Welcome to the ever changing world of performing arts in the Kingdom of Atlantia!

Visit this page often to see news regarding the ever changing and expanding community of performers throughout our fair kingdom. You can also subscribe via email or RSS feed. Watch our Social Media page for the ebb and flow of our social media outlets. If you have any questions or would like to contribute to the site, please contact capo AT ifirenzi DOT com.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our “Known World” consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. The Kingdom of Atlantia encompasses all of Maryland, the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, most of Virginia and a small portion of Georgia. Members create and attend events which feature performing arts, tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and more. Click http://sca.org for more!


The next Atlantia Performing Arts Guild Meeting & Conference Call will be held at Atlantia University on February 6, 2016 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. This is during the lunch time of Atlantia University, and the members gathered at University will get lunch and find a quiet corner to eat lunch and gather around Sophie’s laptop to share the web cam and conference call using the Zoom.com online conference room.  Please join us using the log in information below.  You can also call in from a regular phone with the phone number below:


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/638392316

Or iPhone one-tap: 14086380968,638392316# or 16465588656,638392316#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 638 392 316

The Meeting will include discussion on the following topics:

Status Update of Ongoing Projects:

  1. Creation of Best Practices list for Bardic Circles by Johann and Richard
  2. Creation of Best Practices list for Competitions by Scholastica and Reynsa
  3. use of the Googlegroup is growing constantly!
  4. Reaching out to specific people to join the Googlegroup for networking – especially to help the Kingdom Bards!

Status of recruiting:

  1. The two new Kingdom Bards, Master Ruaidhri and Lord Gideon are still figuring out their strategy
  2. Lady Machteld is thinking about volunteering to be the liaison for Atlantia University for Summer, but we need someone for long term.
  3. Mistress Dervila has accepted the position for Librarian! She will work with our WordPress blog to find the right plugin to allow people to upload documents and other files like MP3s to share and keep organized. This will, however, take some many months, so Sophie is going to establish a simple Google Shared Drive as an interim solution.

Special Projects:

  • Royal Travel Fund song writing service for Ymir silent auction
  • Ladies of the Rose song, poetry, and other performance event for new, Golden Rose inspired event
  • We need heraldry for the Guild – and a graphic for it!
  • Performing Arts Demo Hour at Kingdom A&S Fest, March 5!

Next Guild Meeting is at Ymir, February 27, at 11:00am, immediately after morning court.  Zoom/call in option will be available!


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The meeting was held on Sunday, January 17 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm (approximately)

The meeting was held on Zoom.us and can the recording can be seen on You Tube here:



  • Sophia the Orange
  • Reynsa Keyferin
  • Scholastica Joycors

The attendees all introduced themselves, but since we all know each other pretty well already, it was quick.

Summary:  Sophia checked that Scholastica had read the Guild Plan (Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan) and asked for feedback. Scholastica had nothing to add and generally supported running with the plan.  Sophia mentioned that Teleri had emailed in some great and very thoughtful feedback about the plan. Teleri suggested one addition to the plan which was to clearly ask the performing community what they want. Sophia will add that to the Plan document and plan for a time to start a project to collect input from the community – which may be as simple as posting an invitation and tracking the discussion.

Scholastica agreed to join Reynsa in leading the effort to create Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions. This includes a number of tasks not limited to: training non-performers to be judges, collecting a list of people kingdom wide willing and able to serve as judges, and making use of the improved Performing Arts judging sheets Scholastica edited.  Much discussion was had about various aspects of competitions, bad competitions we’ve seen, and the need to include guidance on documentation of performing arts.  Sophia suggested asking for support on documentation from Teleri who’s already teaching a class on “Research for Performers.”

(Johann had made note earlier in the last call that a list of people capable and willing to judge performing arts competitions kingdom wide would serve our kingdom greatly. He had a great deal of difficulty finding people to help him judge competitions during his year as Kingdom Bard.)

Sophia asked that some kind of plan for the way forward on this effort be written down and shared at least in time for Atlantia University’s Winter Session on February 6th. A meeting of the guild will happen during lunch including a Zoom call where we can share the plans made so far.

Reynsa will be in a conference for her day job on February 6, and Scholastica can’t attend in person due to distance, but both agreed that some kind of delivery of a plan for their project would be presented to the Guild on February 6th remotely. Scholastica may join in the call during lunchtime from University (Zoom.us will be used again) or will send a report to Sophia ahead of time.

We also discussed the role of the Kingdom Bards. Sophia reported that our two new Kingdom Bards, Lord Gideon and Master Ruaidhri (ro-ree’), had been discussing already some direction they wish to go in. Some discussion covered how the Kingdom Bard role could work with the Guild’s role of Royalty Liaison, and Scholastica also made some suggestions for the new Kingdom Bards based on her experience as Kingdom Bard in 2014. We discussed Scholastica’s experiences communicating with the Baronial Bardic Champions and other contacts.

The call ended with Sophia promising to post the notes from the meeting and the link to the Zoom recording on the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog.  The next call will be February 6th during lunch from University and another call will be held from Ymir on February 27th at 11:00am – 12:00noon.

Filed under: Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

The SECOND conference call for the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild will happen on Sunday 17th of January, 2016 from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.  We’re using Zoom.us which is a lot like Skype in that you can log in via internet and use your web cam and speakers/microphone or just call in with a regular phone. We will be discussing the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan, particularly the effort to document Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions and the role of the Kingdom Bards.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/629956441

Or join by phone:

+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 629 956 441
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=HmB2Ihmp5jyawU7WQKNnqhFFx-sQcGIi

Notes from the last meeting on December 20, 2015 and a link to the recording of the call on You Tube are available on the January 13, 2016 blog post here: https://perform.atlantia.sca.org/?p=222

The Guild will have a meeting at Atlantia University’s Winter Session on February 6th DURING LUNCH from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm, and also another meeting at Ymir on February 27 from 11:00am to 12:00. Anyone and everyone who’s interested in any kind of Performing Arts in Atlantia is welcome to join in!!


Filed under: AnnouncementsAtlantia Performing Arts Guild

The meeting was held on Zoom.us and can the recording can be seen on You Tube here:



  • Sophia the Orange
  • Manus MacDhai
  • Johann von Solothurn
  • Reynsa Keyferin
  • Richard Wynn
  • Teleri the Well Prepared

The attendees all introduced themselves, but since we all know each other pretty well already, it was quick.

Summary:  Sophia led the discussion through the document of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan. Response was mostly positive and in support of the plan as written. Johann, Richard, and Reynsa all stepped up into roles as follows:

Johann and Richard agreed to lead the effort to create Best Practices for Bardic Circles. We’re not all convinced yet that using terms of “Marshall” and “Authorization Cards” will work. The intention is that the term is a joke and there is no requirement to be authorized in Bardic Arts to run a circle. There is, however, the real possibility that people will not understand the optional nature of the “Authorization Cards” or “Bardic Circle Marshall Training.”  At first glance, Richard thought there might be a requirement, so other people could easily also have the same first impression regardless of our intention. So, further discussion is warranted.

Reynsa agreed to take the lead on the effort to create Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions. This includes a number of tasks not limited to: training non-performers to be judges, collecting a list of people kingdom wide willing and able to serve as judges, and making use of the improved Performing Arts judging sheets Scholastica edited.  Scholastica missed this call, but is highly likely to join Reynsa in this effort.

(Johann had made note earlier in the call that a list of people capable and willing to judge performing arts competitions kingdom wide would serve our kingdom greatly. He had a great deal of difficulty finding people to help him judge competitions during his year as Kingdom Bard.)

Sophia asked that some kind of plan for the way forward on these two efforts be written down and shared at least in time for Atlantia University’s Winter Session on February 6th. A meeting of the guild will happen during lunch including a Zoom call where we can share the plans made so far.

The call ended with Sophia promising to post the notes from the meeting and the link to the Zoom recording on the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog. To vote for the time of the next conference call on Zoom.us, please visit the Doodle.com poll here: http://doodle.com/poll/5cekksbi4hggbwsx

Another call will be held before the Winter University session and a meeting will be held during lunch at University.

Filed under: Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

Since I had to call in sick at Unevent, the kickoff meeting for the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild will be held as a conference call on December 20, 2015 from 4:00 – 5:30pm.

We will be using Zoom.us, an online service much like Skype but with some extra fun features:

  • anyone can call in using either a web browser on the internet or a regular phone line
  • you can use a web cam or not
  • the call will be recorded for later viewing
  • no account is necessary for you to join

Please feel free to join in the call even if you did not RSVP. This call is open to anyone interested in supporting and participating in the Performing Arts Community of Atlantia.

If you’re on the call or not, please read the plan I will present to the guild on the call available at this link:

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan

Info to join the call is listed below:

Hi there,

Sophia the Orange is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Atlantia Performing Arts Guild kickoff meeting
Time: Dec 20, 2015 4:00 PM (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/131792440

Or join by phone:

+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 131 792 440
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=oCAJPsWiczis507zbo5nblhsGBHdaMym

I look forward to kicking off the Guild Rebirth with you all tomorrow!

–Lady Sophia the Orange

Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

Atlantia Kingdom MOAS Deputy of Performing Arts

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Filed under: AnnouncementsAtlantia Performing Arts Guild

The competition to select the next Kingdom Bard will take place at the Kingdom Twelfth Night event on January 9, 2016. The letter below was published by our current Kingdom Bard, the Magnificent Lord Johann von Solothurn. Make note that anyone wishing to compete for the position of Kingdom Bard must submit a letter of intent to Lord Johann, and his deadline was published as December 18th.  If you are considering competing, have not yet submitted a letter of intent, and would like to have more time to consider taking on this significant position, please email Lord Johann to express your concern and he might extend the deadline.  (Keeping the bar as high as he and Lady Scholastica have raised it is a task worthy of some other magnificent performers in our Kingdom, and worth taking serious time to consider.)

Please read and make note of Lord Johann’s email address and directions below, and Bona Fortuna to any performers ready to step up and compete for this position!

Lady Sophia the Orange, Kingdom MOAS Deputy for Performing Arts

Letter text from Lord Johann von Solothurn:

Greetings!  I am Johann von Solothurn, currently serving as Royal Bard of fair Atlantia.  I wish you all a joyous and music-filled holiday season!  As I near the end of my tenure as Royal Bard, I will be attending Yule Toy Tourney and Twelfth Night, and hope to see many of you around bardic circles and entering the bardic competitions at those events.
 At Yule Toy Tourney, I will be hosting a bardic bear pit competition.  The cost of entry in the competition is one toy per entrant.  The toys collected at the event will be donated to Country Santa, a Program that collects toys for needy children across upstate South Carolina.  Bring your bardic weapons (songs, stories, poems) and prepare to have fun while you do battle with your fellow bards!  Bonus points will be awarded for period pieces and original compositions.  Time permitting, there will be three rounds of head to head bardic combat.  Don’t forget your bard book!  The bard with the most points (wins) will win the day – and the prize!
At Twelfth Night, a new Royal Bard will be chosen from among Atlantia’s many talented and skilled bards.  I hope many of you will choose to compete for the mantle of Royal Bard.
Their Royal Majesties are now accepting letters of intent from those who wish to enter the Royal Bard competition.  If you would accept the challenge and compete for the title of Royal Bard, please send your letter of intent to me at  RoyalBard@atlantia.sca.org  by December 18.
Per the Atlantian Great Book of Laws, the Royal Bard is chosen for excellence in the individual performance of any of the following fields:  singing, instrumental music, poetic rendition, or storytelling.  The Royal Bard is encouraged to be proficient in at least two of these fields.
Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected.  Suggested goals and duties for the Royal Bard include:  1) services to the Crown as Their bard, 2) sponsoring at least two bardic competitions during their tenure, including the Royal Bard competition to select a successor, 3) work with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of the bardic arts, 4) teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable.  The tenure of the Royal Bard is one year.
The Royal Bard competition will consist of a minimum of two rounds.  For the first round, bring a period piece (song, story, instrumental, or poem) with documentation.  For the second round, bring an original composition (SCA-themed or Period-themed) with documentation.  At Her Majesty’s whim, a third round may be required, and will be announced during the competition.
It has been an honor to serve the Kingdom as Royal Bard for the past year.  The position of Royal Bard has been a more gratifying role than I ever imagined it could be.  I cherish the new friends and memories made while promoting the bardic arts across Atlantia, and I look forward to seeing what our new Royal Bard will bring to the position.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you  have concerning the position of Royal Bard.  I look forward to hearing my fellow bards compete at Twelfth Night!
Yours in Song and Service,
Lord Johann von Solothurn
Royal Bard of Atlantia

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If you know of Performing Arts activities happening at events other than these in the next 2-3 months, type them into the comments, or email me at dmoas-performance AT atlantia.sca.org – Lady Sophia the Orange.

December 5 – Unevent, Barony of Caer Mear – Meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild at 4:30pm   (https://sites.google.com/site/atlantiaunevent2015/)

December 12 – Caer Mear Yule – From Lady Kilmeny: “We will be performing in a larger group and smaller groups. Focus is on period Christmas music drawn largely from a collection created and generously shared by Mistress Rosalind Jehanne a few years back. I’m just the facilitator, as my barony has tons of great singers and they asked to have chances to perform at our SCA family potluck. A piece may even be performed in baronial court that afternoon. I’m holding 2 classes at our baronial A&S before the event so we can practice as a group and identify smaller groupings for the scattered performances.”  (http://caermear.atlantia.sca.org/home.html)

January 8-10 — Kingdom Twelfth Night, Barony of Nottinghill Coill  – including the competition for the next Kingdom Bard, run by our current Kingdom Bard, Lord Johann von Solothurn.  Letters of intent need to be sent to Johann by December 18th via RoyalBard@atlantia.sca.org (http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=7b71b57c)

January 23 – Ice Castles, Black Diamond – Bardic Circle by Johann von Solothurn, Former Kingdom Bard  (http://blackdiamond.atlantia.sca.org/icecastle/)

January 23 – Torquemada’s Trans-Iberian Winter Tour, Lochmere – A little Bardic Madness shall be run by Lady Scholastica with at least one round of ‘pun’ishment which could result in vegetables being thrown and possibly a cat of nine tails.  Some random inquisitions may also happen…  (http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=de23671a)

February 6 – Atlantia University, Raven’s Cove – Lots of Performing Arts classes!!!!  (http://university.atlantia.sca.org/index.php)

February 26-28 – Tournament of YMIR, Windmasters’ Hill – Morning Meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild, Afternoon Bardic Circle, Afternoon Bardic Competition, Pre-Court Commedia dell’ Arte play by i Firenzi, Evening Dancing, After-Feast-Reprise-performance of the Adults-Only Commedia play from War of the Wings by i Firenzi, Late Night Bardic Circle   (http://ymir.windmastershill.org/)

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Most of what was planned for War of the Wings 2015 did happen and get produced as planned which was posted in the other 4 blog posts laying out the plan for the Performing Arts Program at War of the Wings 2015:

WOW Performing Arts 1 of 4 , WOW Performing Arts 2 of 4WOW Performing Arts 3 of 4WOW Performing Arts 4 of 4,  but as we all know…nothing ever goes quite as we planned it…

Friday started with a great kickoff of a new method for creating a European Dance Pick Up Band! We used sheet music from the Pennsic Pile, Milady Reynse Kyferin from Nottinghill Coil led the band, and volunteer musicians from all over the kingdom came to the castle to rehearse at noon on Friday and Saturday. They provided music for the European dancing on both Friday and Saturday nights!  Here is a picture of some of the volunteer musicians:

5 musicians from WoW Dance Band 2015

The pick up band for Middle Eastern dancing led by Mistress Azza that played on Saturday night was also a great success!

On Friday, we did hold a great class in Improvisation Skills followed by a laughter filled “Who’s Line Doth It Be Anyway” show! Here are a few pictures from that show:

WoW 2015 Whos Line show from side  WoW 2015 Whos Line 6  WoW 2015 Whos Line 5  WoW 2015 Whos Line 3  WoW 2015 Whos Line 4

Whos Line Doth It Be Anyway actors WOW 2015

After “Who’s Line” we held an Unbelted Bardic Tournament. The “unbelted” part was a challenge to any Peer who wanted to participate… any Peer needed to bring a *partner* to perform with who was not also a Peer. The one taker we had on this challenge was Mistress Dervila who partnered with her husband Tom the Drumbuilder in the telling of stories.  The winner of the tournament was Baroness Morgan Wolfsinger of Black Diamond!

Here’s one pic from that tournament:

cell phone backup 31 OCT 15 211

Friday evening, many performances occurred.  The Bardic Smackdown War Point Competition happened.  There was no light nor heat nor clear direction provided, but once Mistress Dervila stepped in to instill some guidance on the chaos, ten performers did provide their best performances in contribution to the War effort.  The performers that braved the cold and chaos of war were these brave souls:


  • Baroness Morgan Wolfsinger of Black Diamond
  • Lord Johann von Solothurn of Black Diamond
  • Mistress Dervila of Hawkwood
  • milady Fennic du Blayz of Black Diamond
  • milady Rosheen from Highland Foorde


  • Lady Morgaine of Hidden Mountain
  • milady Reynsa Keyferin of Nottinghil Coil
  • milady Albree of Nottinghil Coil
  • Lady Isabella Arabella Daughter of Hidden Mountain
  • THLady Jorunn nic Lochlainn of Hidden Mountain

The South side won the war point.


Also preparing for war on Friday night were the Rabble Rousers and Bawdy Bardic singers warming up the Adults Only crowd for the eventual Naughty Commedia Show of i Firenzi.

Rabble Rousers for Black Diamond were led by our Kingdom Bard, Lord Johann von Solothurn, and Rabble Rousers for Nottinghill Coil were led by the ever-innocent Lady Machteld Cleine.  Milady Ky led the Bawdy bardic singing until i Firenzi was ready with the very silly, adults only, commedia dell’ arte play “The Issues Of One’s Loins” which had special guest star appearances by Master Efenwealt Wystle and also His Majesty Christophe of Atlantia!

Here is the one picture allowed to be published from the i Firenzi play:

i firenzi nauthy show WoW 2015

Saturday saw a cascade of successful plans come to fruition!  All the classes, rehearsals and performances ran as planned including: a European dance class, meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild, Intro to Commedia dell’ Arte class, Iron Commedia rehearsal, Bardic Madness class & performance, Bardic 101 & 102 class, Research for Performers class, and the Iron Commedia performance before court!  Here’s a rarely seen before and after set of pictures of the novice commedia student cast before and after the Iron Commedia show:

Before: cell phone backup 31 OCT 15 213  After: WoW 2015 Iron Commedia cast jazz jands (1)


Saturday night, there was a competition held for the Baronial Bardic Champions from all the baronies of Atlantia that was supposed to be followed by a lovely concert with performance slots for both a handful of pre-scheduled experienced performers and also open slots for whoever wanted to come join in the fun.  As it turned out, we did not have use of the Vingulf Hall, so we were out in the open air experiencing the very cold wind that night.  We did bring with us one fire bowl and the camp-lantern footlights we use at Pennsic, so we had a little light and heat. The following brave souls huddled around the fire bowl kept their promises to compete for the honor of their home baronies:

  1. Baroness Morgan Wolfsinger – Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of Black Diamond (Who won the Unbelted Bardic Tourney on Friday!)
  2. Lady Thamira HaSopheret- Baronial Bardic Champion of our hosting Barony of Sacred Stone
  3. Lord Jaume de Monçó (Craig B. Daniel) – Baronial Performing Arts Champion of the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill
  4. Lady Morgaine Ferguson (Ivy Pandora) – Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of Hidden Mountain
  5. milady Reynsa Keyferin – Baronial Bardic Co-Champion of the Barony of Notinghil Coil (also Director of the WoW European Pick Up Dance Band!)
  6. Lady Deirdre O’Bardon – filling in for the Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of Bright Hills
  7. Lady Scholastica Joycors (Mylinda Butterworth) – Baronial Bardic Champion of the Barony of Lochmere

Many thanks to those who braved the cold to witness and provide an audience for these dedicated and loyal Baronial Champions! That includes a few performers who had committed to perform in our “Bards and Brewers Concert” which turned out to be a cozy circle of dedicated bards including Master Scott Efenwealt Vaughan and Mistress Aenor (Kirsten Humdinger Vaughan), Lord Johann von Solothurn, Mistress Rosalind (Jonna Bernstein), and my ever supportive baritone husband Manus MacDhai (Scott Dean) , AND Dervila Ni Leanon and Tom Drumbuilder!

Special thanks also to Their Excellencies of Windmasters Hill, Callixtus and Adriana, who did come brave the cold to witness the competition.

The winner of the Inter-Baronial Bardic Champions Competition on Saturday night at War of the Wings was Lord Jaume de Monçó, the Performing Arts Champion of the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill!  He performed an impressively smooth period magic trick of “Cups and Balls” and will share the research documentation of it by request.

Sorry, there are no pictures to share from Saturday night’s performances – it was WAAAAAY too cold and dark!

So watch this space for the next announcement for your opportunities to take part in Performing Arts in the Kingdom of Atlantia!

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Filed under: Event Reports

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild is REBORN!

The Queens have spoken! Both of them! Our own beloved Queen Adelhait and Gloriana herself, Elizabeth I, Queen of England, agreed upon the day of the Natal Anniversary celebrated in the Canton of Buckston-on-Eno (the Buckston Birthday event, November 14th) that the Guild Master of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild, our own Master Corun MacAnndra, was needed in Elizabethan London to serve the Lord Chamberlain’s Men more than he was needed in his homeland of Atlantia. Her Majesty Elizabeth swore to return him when Master Shakespeare’s troupe finally learned proper pronunciation of the Queen’s English. Until that day, Her Majesty Adelheit is allowing me to serve as the guide (cat herder) at the head of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild.

As such, I am leading the first official meeting of the new and REBORN Atlantia Performing Arts Guild at UNEVENT!  We meet this Saturday at 4:30pm in the Auditorium. World domination by 5:30pm.

Unevent Schedule:  https://sites.google.com/site/atlantiaunevent2015/schedule

A draft Guild Restructure Plan has been written out and approved by numerous appropriate and reasonable stakeholders. This plan does not recreate a guild structure from SCA period, but rather creates a structure of positions and job descriptions that creates a structure of support that will actually help performers of all kinds perform more and perform better throughout our Kingdom. This guild will not include auditions, rankings, judgements, or other inhibitors.

This plan still has room for suggestions from the populace! Please bring your dreams, projects, and requests! Come to the meeting and put your ideas on the whiteboard! Are you someone who loves to perform – or dreams of maybe trying it out someday? Then you have a place in the Performing Arts Guild! Come to the meeting at Unevent and learn how we make dreams come true!  Disney ain’t got nuthin’ on us!

If you’d like to read a copy of the draft Guild Restructure Plan ahead of time, request a copy via email from me via dmoas-performance AT atlantia.sca.org.

Long Live the Queens!

— Lady Sophia the Orange, Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

Atlantia MOAS Deputy for Performing Arts

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By Lady Evelynn Merrymet

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) dance community has been learning and teaching English dances for as long as there has been an SCA. That would be 50 years this coming spring. Most commonly taught are what is known as English Country Dances (ECD) which we take from the first edition of the Playford dance manuals first published in 1651. These were then ­traditional dances done by the gentry in their country homes. Stylistically, they are often for 2, 3 ,or 4 couples, never 1. We also have the 10 dances from the Inns of Court that were taught in the London law schools and known by all the nobility of England in the 16 couples, all doing the same thing. The 4 Inns of Court still stand and still teach, but only law these days, not dance. Check them out if you ever make it to London. The ancient trees alone are worth the side trip.

Then in 1995 someone in England was looking through some old ledger books from what is now the Gresley estates. Where they recorded how many sheep, how much grain, and the like that were harvested that year and they noticed there was something stuck into the ledger sheets. “What’s this?” It was dance notes written by the scribe who was learning to dance. Paper was expensive and so the scribe used the masters ledger sheets. Now we have student notes for 26 dances we never heard of before! Wow ­ cutting edge stuff for a historical society. One problem, however, was that with the normal language drift over so much time we don’t know what many of the words mean in terms of dance. What is a trace or a tret or a rak? So several people went to work on the text. The notes also included music for some of the dances so the music geeks went to work on that. Another problem was that the music did not always correspond to the dances. Two of those people live together with their son in Canada. She is a dance teacher. He is an accomplished period musician. Mistress Emma Dansmeyla and Master Martin Bildner worked on this project for 12 years and are nearly finished with the book and CD set that many of us are waiting for.

A few years into the project they started teaching the dances they had worked out. They released Ly Bens Distonys early on and the SCA dancers embraced it. Later on, with more experience working with the other dances, Emma and Martin would now interpret Ly Bens differently but it is too late ­ we already know it this way so that is what we do. They brought some of the Gresley dances to a Known World Dance and Music Symposium a few years back and I took the classes they offered. I was intrigued and learned as many as I could. Although they also supplied sheet music for the dances they taught, I do not have any live music at my local dance practice so I could not teach them. The next Pennsic and the next Known World Dance and Music symposium I followed Emma and Martin and begged them for recorded music. They were not ready with any of the music for publication but they burned me a copy of a practice CD they use for Emma to teach when Martin cannot come along. Here is a link to one of their handouts


Armed with Emma’s magnificent notes and that CD, I started promoting Gresley dances in the Kingdom of Atlantia (SCA). I have been teaching 7 dances from the set for several years now at the University of Atlantia and at events and at Known World, and Pennsic if Emma is not going to be there.

Their book is mostly complete. I now have a copy for proofreading purposes. I hope to learn all the dances from the book and give them feedback as to the learnability of the notes for the proof reading before the final printing. My Lord, Master Stefan of Cambion, will do the spelling and grammar stuff I am not to be trusted with. I have now gotten through and taught the 8 dances Emma describes as easy and several of the moderate ones. Winter should be a good time to work on that. It is a very good thing we built a dance floor in the basement of our house, don’t you think?

I do not have the sources or the research Emma and Martin used. You will need to catch up with them if you have questions regarding the original text or the reconstruction process. I just teach Gresley. You can contact them at:

Emma Dansmeyla (Sarah Scroggie)  Sarah.Scroggie AT gmail DOT com

They are of course not the only folks doing this reconstruction.  Mistress Judith of Northunbria found Cait Webb and Chris Elmes in Scotland doing the same kind of work with predictably different results. They are both mostly period musicians and the music and dance steps they produced is more complex. They played and taught at the most recent Known World Music and Dance Symposium in Germany last April that Judith autocrated. I took the classes and enjoyed them immensely. They are delightful folks and truly fine musicians. Judith likes the complexity they bring to the Gresley. I, on the other hand, am in it for the joy of the dance, and the pleasure it give me to promote dance to the populace at large, and newbies in particular. That will be easier with Emma and Martin’s work so that is what I will be teaching.

Cait and Chris have published a manual and a CD with 5 or 6 Gresley dances in the mix of other period dances. They have some of the original wording, pdfs of music and downloadable recordings. They can be reached at  www.gaita.co.uk  or  Info@gaita.co.uk

One of my students, Wenllyan Goch, has found a CD with all 26  dances on it. The group is The York Waits. The CD is called Cherwell Thy Wyne, Dances of Fifteenth­century England from the Gresley manuscript. Wenllyan is trying to get a bulk rate to get more than the one copy of the CD. I will use it until I get an updated and more complete version of the Martin’s music.

I have one other lead. I was told at the last University that a group of Morris dancers under one Rose Moresk (if I have the spelling right) are working up the Gresley dances in somewhat different reconstruction.

When you search for Gresley Dance Manuscript you get 1,640,000 hits. I could spend weeks full time weeding those out for you and make this a better document. I would never catch up since new ones are added all the time. I want to teach dance and do my part of the proofreading.

As always, the historical dances we do are subject to interpretation. Different reconstructors, different teachers, different regions are bound to do them differently, as I am sure was true in period. That adds to the richness of the dance heritage and while it may put you off balance on the dance floor on occasion, we have all been there and no one will mind. Just listen to what the teacher is saying and try to do it their way so we don’t run into each other in the line and all will be well. By the way, it is a good idea to be sure you are all dancing the same version in a set, especially if you go out of your Kingdom.

The dances include 8 easy or very easy dances, 11 moderate, and 7 difficult dances. All of the dances are for 2 or 3 people. This will be very welcome to those of us teaching dance, since very often we find we do not have critical mass for our four couple dances. This will also make for many more dances we can teach at demos to random people from the crowd. The easy ones are really easy. Among the easy dances is New Year which would be boring unless you take it as a danced for drunkards and everybody pretends to be very drunk while they do it.  Many of these dances have interesting little quirks, once you get into the moderate and difficult dances. I like the funky hey in Armynn very much. Those moves may take a few tries to get, but they are fun and very worth the effort. I have taken to using some of the 1500 language for calling the dances. For example trett is enterpreted as a single. So trett, retrett, is a single forward and back. Trett, retrett is easier to call than single forward, single back and it feels good to use the original language.

I am delighted to be working with Emma and Martin’s book for many reasons but let me give you a few. They have included three tables of dances at the beginning of the book. One with the dances in the order they appeared in the manuscript. One that gives the dances in alphabetical order, and one for the musicians, giving the source of the music they are using either original from the manuscript or from other sources. They have given an introduction to the book and to each dance describing their process in reconstruction. Best of all is the instruction for each dance. These include, the original text, the musical section for each part of the dance, modern language for their reconstruction and diagrams with little people and arrows to show you what is going on at each step. I love the handouts this produces for teaching.

So, in conclusion. This is really fun to be working on totally new stuff in the dance community. I am having a good time learning and teaching it. I hope to get through my part of the proofreading this winter or at least make a grand attempt. Wish me luck.

In service to the dream,

Evelynne Merrymet

(Evelynn does not maintain an online presence, but she does teach dance at nearly every Atlantia University session, so you can catch up with her there if you’d like to continue the conversation with her about Dances from the Gresley Manuscript.  If you leave comments here, I’ll do my best to get those comments to her on your behalf – Sophia)

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