At Atlantia’s Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival, March 5-6, 2021, a virtual performance of the Greek play “Antigone” will be released! If you would like to participate in this production, please read the invitation from the Director, Lord Owyn Wolfe / Cody Clark, below.

This Friday, January 15th, at 7:00 PM, please join us on Google Meet for an information meeting/interest call regarding an upcoming fully virtual production of the Greek classic play Antigone! The production will be directed and produced by Cody Clark (SCA: Lord Owyn Wolfe). The artistic ethos of the project is to create a piece of art that is both fully truthful to the spirit of the Greek text that we are working with and is also fully truthful to the time we are living in today. The inspiration is to embrace all parts of the logistical, technological, and practical realities of the world we live in today and the challenges that come with it. To that end, webcams and cellphone cameras will be used not just as cameras but instead used as the perspective that the action of the production is shown from. All actors and production crew will remain apart from each other at all times. This production will be a collaborative project with an emphasis on the elements of devised theatre. 

Auditions will begin immediately following the interest call starting at 8:00 PM and there will be time slots available until Monday evening. Please see the links below for the interest call or to fill out an audition form! 

This production will premier as a part of the virtual event Kingdom Arts and Sciences hosted by the Society for Creative Anachronism’s Kingdom of Atlantia on March 5th and 6th! 

Audition Form:

Interest Call:

For further information please reach out to Cody Clark via Coclark18 AT gmail DOT com 

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