The next Atlantia Performing Arts Guild Meeting & Conference Call will be held at Atlantia University on February 6, 2016 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. This is during the lunch time of Atlantia University, and the members gathered at University will get lunch and find a quiet corner to eat lunch and gather around Sophie’s laptop to share the web cam and conference call using the online conference room.  Please join us using the log in information below.  You can also call in from a regular phone with the phone number below:


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap: 14086380968,638392316# or 16465588656,638392316#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 638 392 316

The Meeting will include discussion on the following topics:

Status Update of Ongoing Projects:

  1. Creation of Best Practices list for Bardic Circles by Johann and Richard
  2. Creation of Best Practices list for Competitions by Scholastica and Reynsa
  3. use of the Googlegroup is growing constantly!
  4. Reaching out to specific people to join the Googlegroup for networking – especially to help the Kingdom Bards!

Status of recruiting:

  1. The two new Kingdom Bards, Master Ruaidhri and Lord Gideon are still figuring out their strategy
  2. Lady Machteld is thinking about volunteering to be the liaison for Atlantia University for Summer, but we need someone for long term.
  3. Mistress Dervila has accepted the position for Librarian! She will work with our WordPress blog to find the right plugin to allow people to upload documents and other files like MP3s to share and keep organized. This will, however, take some many months, so Sophie is going to establish a simple Google Shared Drive as an interim solution.

Special Projects:

  • Royal Travel Fund song writing service for Ymir silent auction
  • Ladies of the Rose song, poetry, and other performance event for new, Golden Rose inspired event
  • We need heraldry for the Guild – and a graphic for it!
  • Performing Arts Demo Hour at Kingdom A&S Fest, March 5!

Next Guild Meeting is at Ymir, February 27, at 11:00am, immediately after morning court.  Zoom/call in option will be available!


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