Archive for January, 2016

The meeting was held on Sunday, January 17 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm (approximately)

The meeting was held on and can the recording can be seen on You Tube here: 


  • Sophia the Orange
  • Reynsa Keyferin
  • Scholastica Joycors

The attendees all introduced themselves, but since we all know each other pretty well already, it was quick.

Summary:  Sophia checked that Scholastica had read the Guild Plan (Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan) and asked for feedback. Scholastica had nothing to add and generally supported running with the plan.  Sophia mentioned that Teleri had emailed in some great and very thoughtful feedback about the plan. Teleri suggested one addition to the plan which was to clearly ask the performing community what they want. Sophia will add that to the Plan document and plan for a time to start a project to collect input from the community – which may be as simple as posting an invitation and tracking the discussion.

Scholastica agreed to join Reynsa in leading the effort to create Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions. This includes a number of tasks not limited to: training non-performers to be judges, collecting a list of people kingdom wide willing and able to serve as judges, and making use of the improved Performing Arts judging sheets Scholastica edited.  Much discussion was had about various aspects of competitions, bad competitions we’ve seen, and the need to include guidance on documentation of performing arts.  Sophia suggested asking for support on documentation from Teleri who’s already teaching a class on “Research for Performers.”

(Johann had made note earlier in the last call that a list of people capable and willing to judge performing arts competitions kingdom wide would serve our kingdom greatly. He had a great deal of difficulty finding people to help him judge competitions during his year as Kingdom Bard.)

Sophia asked that some kind of plan for the way forward on this effort be written down and shared at least in time for Atlantia University’s Winter Session on February 6th. A meeting of the guild will happen during lunch including a Zoom call where we can share the plans made so far.

Reynsa will be in a conference for her day job on February 6, and Scholastica can’t attend in person due to distance, but both agreed that some kind of delivery of a plan for their project would be presented to the Guild on February 6th remotely. Scholastica may join in the call during lunchtime from University ( will be used again) or will send a report to Sophia ahead of time.

We also discussed the role of the Kingdom Bards. Sophia reported that our two new Kingdom Bards, Lord Gideon and Master Ruaidhri (ro-ree’), had been discussing already some direction they wish to go in. Some discussion covered how the Kingdom Bard role could work with the Guild’s role of Royalty Liaison, and Scholastica also made some suggestions for the new Kingdom Bards based on her experience as Kingdom Bard in 2014. We discussed Scholastica’s experiences communicating with the Baronial Bardic Champions and other contacts.

The call ended with Sophia promising to post the notes from the meeting and the link to the Zoom recording on the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog.  The next call will be February 6th during lunch from University and another call will be held from Ymir on February 27th at 11:00am – 12:00noon.

The SECOND conference call for the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild will happen on Sunday 17th of January, 2016 from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.  We’re using which is a lot like Skype in that you can log in via internet and use your web cam and speakers/microphone or just call in with a regular phone. We will be discussing the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan, particularly the effort to document Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions and the role of the Kingdom Bards.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or join by phone:

+1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 629 956 441
International numbers available:

Notes from the last meeting on December 20, 2015 and a link to the recording of the call on You Tube are available on the January 13, 2016 blog post here:

The Guild will have a meeting at Atlantia University’s Winter Session on February 6th DURING LUNCH from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm, and also another meeting at Ymir on February 27 from 11:00am to 12:00. Anyone and everyone who’s interested in any kind of Performing Arts in Atlantia is welcome to join in!!


The meeting was held on and can the recording can be seen on You Tube here:


  • Sophia the Orange
  • Manus MacDhai
  • Johann von Solothurn
  • Reynsa Keyferin
  • Richard Wynn
  • Teleri the Well Prepared

The attendees all introduced themselves, but since we all know each other pretty well already, it was quick.

Summary:  Sophia led the discussion through the document of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild FINAL plan. Response was mostly positive and in support of the plan as written. Johann, Richard, and Reynsa all stepped up into roles as follows:

Johann and Richard agreed to lead the effort to create Best Practices for Bardic Circles. We’re not all convinced yet that using terms of “Marshall” and “Authorization Cards” will work. The intention is that the term is a joke and there is no requirement to be authorized in Bardic Arts to run a circle. There is, however, the real possibility that people will not understand the optional nature of the “Authorization Cards” or “Bardic Circle Marshall Training.”  At first glance, Richard thought there might be a requirement, so other people could easily also have the same first impression regardless of our intention. So, further discussion is warranted.

Reynsa agreed to take the lead on the effort to create Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions. This includes a number of tasks not limited to: training non-performers to be judges, collecting a list of people kingdom wide willing and able to serve as judges, and making use of the improved Performing Arts judging sheets Scholastica edited.  Scholastica missed this call, but is highly likely to join Reynsa in this effort.

(Johann had made note earlier in the call that a list of people capable and willing to judge performing arts competitions kingdom wide would serve our kingdom greatly. He had a great deal of difficulty finding people to help him judge competitions during his year as Kingdom Bard.)

Sophia asked that some kind of plan for the way forward on these two efforts be written down and shared at least in time for Atlantia University’s Winter Session on February 6th. A meeting of the guild will happen during lunch including a Zoom call where we can share the plans made so far.

The call ended with Sophia promising to post the notes from the meeting and the link to the Zoom recording on the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog. To vote for the time of the next conference call on, please visit the poll here:

Another call will be held before the Winter University session and a meeting will be held during lunch at University.