Atlantia Royal Players – Year 3 kickoff at Pennsic!
The Atlantia Royal Players are a team of performers that are both excellent performers and work to create time and space for performing arts to happen at SCA events.
This team of administrator-performers is comprised of performers from a wide variety of different performing arts as well as geographically spread throughout our fair kingdom.
At Pennsic 2016, Their Majesties of Atlantia, Dietrich and Thora, kicked off this new experimental program at Royal Court. At court during Pennsic 2017, Their Majesties of Atlantia, Cuan and Signy, witnessed the success of the first year of this program and blessed the team to continue.
At Pennsic Royal Court on August 8, 2018, Their Majesties of Atlantia, Dietrich and Una, will again witness and bless the Royal Players. The team members for Year 2 will be honored, and the team members for Year 3 will be introduced to the populace.
Each summer, the existing team members have the option to continue for the coming year or opt out. They also invite new members based on who they have seen devoting effort to both excellence in performing and also volunteering to create time and space for performing arts at events.
The Royal Players team for Year 2 are the following talented and hardworking performers:
- Lady Scholastica Joycors – storytelling
- Lady Harper an Cu – instrumental and vocal music
- Lady Meriorie Matheson – theater
- Lord Hákon Erfikvaethiskald – solo and ensemble singing
- Mistress Fevronia Murometsa – instrumental and vocal music
- Mistress Azza al Shirazi – instrumental music, specialty in dance band music
- Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir – European dance
- Master Johann von Solothurn – instrumental and vocal music
- Lady Rhiannon of Raven’s Cove – singing, multi-instrumental, European dance and starting some middle eastern
- Lady Maia Bowen – Middle Eastern dance and music; European Dance
- Lady Wenllyan Goch – European Dance
- Lady Darci of Hawkwood – singer and multi-instrumentalist (including Hurdy Gurdy!)
- Lady Machteld Cleine – Singing and theater, theater techniques and theater science, encompassing theater history, practice, sociology, audience reaction and societal context
- Mistress Dervila Ni Leanon and Baroness Sophia the Orange – administrative and mentoring support
The Royal Players team for Year 3 will add a new member, Lord Owain Wolfe, who recently graduated from Highpoint University with a degree in Theater. He has participated in the commedia troupe I Firenzi, worked with other Royal Players Machteld, Meriorie, and Sophia to create a Theater Track at Atlantia University, and is also an avid fencer.
Year 2 team members Azza and Maia have done amazing work and are opting out for Year 3. The Atlantia Dance Band exists greatly because of the amazingly well-organized materials Mistress Azza has produced for musicians to prepare ahead of a dance band event. Lady Maia has been impressively dedicated to teaching dance, both European and Middle Eastern to anyone in her travels. Her zills classes have been a hit at events and demos.
Mistress Dervila is also retiring from the Royal Players program this year. Her steadfast belief in the program was key to creating it and kicking it off in 2016, and we would not be here if she had not been so supportive.
The total number of activities for Performing Arts that the Royal Players have created or supported in the past year comes to 205! The number of events that Royal Players attended totaled 48 not including rehearsals!
If you are seeking assistance in creating performing arts at your event, please reach out to the Royal Players team for support! A public facebook group is available for anyone to post and reach the team, and anyone is welcome to email me, the administrator of the team, with any questions or requests for help. Orangesophie AT gmail
Vivant to the Royal Players of Atlantia!
With great appreciation,
Baroness Sophia the Orange
Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild
Filed under: Atlantia Performing Arts Guild • Royal Players of Atlantia