Welcome to the ever changing world of performing arts in the Kingdom of Atlantia!

Visit this page often to see news regarding the ever changing and expanding community of performers throughout our fair kingdom. You can also subscribe via email or RSS feed. Watch our Social Media page for the ebb and flow of our social media outlets. If you have any questions or would like to contribute to the site, please contact capo AT ifirenzi DOT com.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our “Known World” consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. The Kingdom of Atlantia encompasses all of Maryland, the District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, most of Virginia and a small portion of Georgia. Members create and attend events which feature performing arts, tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and more. Click http://sca.org for more!


The Atlantia Royal Players are a team of performers that are both excellent performers and work to create time and space for performing arts to happen at SCA events.

This team of administrator-performers is comprised of performers from a wide variety of different performing arts as well as geographically spread throughout our fair kingdom. 

At Pennsic 2016, Their Majesties of Atlantia, Dietrich and Thora, kicked off this new experimental program at Royal Court.  At court during Pennsic 2017, Their Majesties of Atlantia, Cuan and Signy, witnessed the success of the first year of this program and blessed the team to continue.

At Pennsic Royal Court on August 8, 2018, Their Majesties of Atlantia, Dietrich and Una, will again witness and bless the Royal Players. The team members for Year 2 will be honored, and the team members for Year 3 will be introduced to the populace.

Each summer, the existing team members have the option to continue for the coming year or opt out. They also invite new members based on who they have seen devoting effort to both excellence in performing and also volunteering to create time and space for performing arts at events.

The Royal Players team for Year 2 are the following talented and hardworking performers:

  1. Lady Scholastica Joycors – storytelling
  2. Lady Harper an Cu – instrumental and vocal music
  3. Lady Meriorie Matheson – theater
  4. Lord Hákon Erfikvaethiskald – solo and ensemble singing
  5. Mistress Fevronia Murometsa – instrumental and vocal music
  6. Mistress Azza al Shirazi – instrumental music, specialty in dance band music
  7. Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir – European dance
  8. Master Johann von Solothurn – instrumental and vocal music
  9. Lady Rhiannon of Raven’s Cove – singing, multi-instrumental, European dance and starting some middle eastern
  10. Lady Maia Bowen – Middle Eastern dance and music; European Dance
  11. Lady Wenllyan Goch – European Dance
  12. Lady Darci of Hawkwood – singer and multi-instrumentalist (including Hurdy Gurdy!)
  13. Lady Machteld Cleine – Singing and theater, theater techniques and theater science, encompassing theater history, practice, sociology, audience reaction and societal context
  14. Mistress Dervila Ni Leanon and Baroness Sophia the Orange – administrative and mentoring support

The Royal Players team for Year 3 will add a new member, Lord Owain Wolfe, who recently graduated from Highpoint University with a degree in Theater. He has participated in the commedia troupe I Firenzi, worked with other Royal Players Machteld, Meriorie, and Sophia to create a Theater Track at Atlantia University, and is also an avid fencer.

Year 2 team members Azza and Maia have done amazing work and are opting out for Year 3. The Atlantia Dance Band exists greatly because of the amazingly well-organized materials Mistress Azza has produced for musicians to prepare ahead of a dance band event.  Lady Maia has been impressively dedicated to teaching dance, both European and Middle Eastern to anyone in her travels. Her zills classes have been a hit at events and demos.

Mistress Dervila is also retiring from the Royal Players program this year. Her steadfast belief in the program was key to creating it and kicking it off in 2016, and we would not be here if she had not been so supportive.

The total number of activities for Performing Arts that the Royal Players have created or supported in the past year comes to 205!  The number of events that Royal Players attended totaled 48 not including rehearsals!

If you are seeking assistance in creating performing arts at your event, please reach out to the Royal Players team for support!  A public facebook group is available for anyone to post and reach the team, and anyone is welcome to email me, the administrator of the team, with any questions or requests for help. Orangesophie AT gmail


Vivant to the Royal Players of Atlantia!


With great appreciation,

Baroness Sophia the Orange

Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

Filed under: Atlantia Performing Arts GuildRoyal Players of Atlantia

How Do I Find Atlantia Performers At Pennsic?

Atlantia performers kick it up another notch this year!  Here’s where you can see Atlantia Performers, and there are some job aids for tracking performing arts throughout Pennsic below. All shows are at the Performing Arts Tent (PAT), the big stage in the middle of Pennsic University.

Friday 8/3 – 5:00-6:00 PM – Iron Commedia – directed by Lady Avelina del Dolce

Sunday 8/5- 5:30 – 6:00 PM – Master Ruaidhri An Cu

Sunday 8/5 -8:00 – 9:30 PM – Efenwealt Wystle, Minstrel and his Rock Star Wife, Aenor!

Monday 8/6 – 7:00 – 8:00 PM – Lady Lanea Verch Kerrigan

Monday 8/6 – 8:00 – 9:30 PM – Not Your Typical Atlantian Thugs – a Bardic Collection from Atlantia!

Monday 8/6 – 6:30 – 7:00 PM – Stupid Songs with Uncle Efenwealt (Amphitheater, not PAT)

Wednesday 8/8 – 4:00 – 5:00 PM – Atlansteorran bards Ermagerd and Grimolfr

Thursday 8/9 – 9:30 – 11:00 PM – Commedia All-Stars with Sophia the Orange, Manus MacDhai, Genefe Wolfelin, and Avelina del Dolce (and 6 other interkingdom Commedians!)

Friday 8/10 – 8:00 – 10:30 PM – Known World Players performance of “Hector of Troy” with Ruiadhri an Cu and a handful of other Atlantians


There is a new track in the Performing Arts Department this year – Theater! Commedia is in it’s own Commedia-only track and the other Theatrical Arts are in a separate track. The Theater Track includes scripted theater opportunities, improv classes with a variety of focus topics, and deep dives into juggling, foolery, magic, and loads of other topics.

Click on this pic to see the whole Theater Track schedule in a larger size

This year also marks the return of the Fool’s School program for kids of all ages with a Graduation Performance on Wednesday evening at 6:00pm.

This is the second year for the Youth Theater workshop where kids can rehearse a play all week and perform it on the final Friday!

The coordinator of the Youth Performing Arts track, Lady Sæhildr Barngòór, has compiled all the track’s activities on this Google Calendar : https://tinyurl.com/PennsicYouthPA

So, I don’t know exactly whom, but I’m pretty sure some Atlantia youngsters are going to be performing at Pennsic! Youth Theater and Youth Commedia performances are both Friday afternoon.

If you have any questions at all about the Pennsic Performing Arts Department, please reach to the new Leader of the department, Atlantia’s own Lady Scholastica Joycours!  Her email address for Pennsic business is scholastica.ppa@gmail.com.

Not part of Pennsic University’s Performing Arts department, but you can rock with Atlantia at the big bardic circle, on middle Sunday night, in Atlantia Royal Camp (N41) hosted by Atlantia’s own Kingdom Bard, Master Richard Muti!  He said on facebook that the circle would start at “darkish” and end “when they kick us out” so you’ll have to check with him for details. 😉

Rock on Atlantia!

Filed under: Uncategorized

Performers have a great many opportunities to do their thing this summer!

Ruby Joust – Memorial Day Weekend – Master Richard Wyn, this year’s Kingdom Bard, is hosting a competition for bards!  He requests that each Barony send their Performing Arts or Bardic Champion or a representative for them to come compete. It is scheduled to take place on Sunday. Richard sez: “You will be expected to perform three pieces: a documented period piece ( prior to 1620) , a Historical piece (either SCA or Period), and a performance to inspire others.
Master Richard Wyn OL”

Highland River Melees – June 1-3 – http://highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org/hrmelees/ans.php  In the Barony of Highland Foorde, Baroness Lanea verch Kerrigan will host Bardics! Specifically, bardics in the style of Bardic Madness! See here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NLxHgppcTzW0g0Y-ZgD-6hs78DgdPPiIIiH3wT3sNgw/edit 

Storytelling and Bardic Workshop – June 9 – http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=3d5d23f0   The Barony of Nottinghil Cuil hosts this interactive workshop for story tellers, poets, and others interested in the bardic arts. Whether you are already performing, or are interested in giving it a try, come and learn and exchange ideas.

Summer University – June 16 – https://university.atlantia.sca.org/  The Barony of Black Diamond hosts an amazing 99th session of the Atlantia University with a TON of great music, dance, theater, and other performing classes! When the catalog is released in a few days, check it out!

Novice and Unbelt Tourney – June 23 – http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=e73f06c1 Barony of Storvik. There will be a special Performers’ Pavilion with shade and drinks for all! Hosted by Mistress Fevronia and Master Igor. <3

Return to Crecy – June 22-24 – http://www.returntocrecy.com/ Sir Axel said: “Sat night will again be the Fete de Rue. We are still looking for performers. So, if you are interested, please drop me a line so I can schedule your stage time we are looking at 10-15 minutes sets. (music, song, poetry, story telling, juggling, etc.)”

Performers’ Revel South – June 30 – http://windmastershill.org/calendar/events/performers-revel-south/  The Canton of Elvegast again brings you a day full of JUST PERFORMING! A mildly structured day of relaxing, some workshops, and lot of playing!

King’s Assessments – July 6-8 – http://www.black-diamond.atlantia.sca.org/assessments/   Something fun always happens in the realms of bardic and dance in Black Diamond!

And that brings us to Pennsic!  If you need any help finding your way around Pennsic as a Performer, you can always ask this year’s new Dean of Performing Arts, Lady Scholastica Joycours!


Have fun performing this summer!!

Filed under: BardicDanceNotablesSingingStorytellingTheater

Atlantia’s Twelfth Night event is again overflowing with amazing opportunities to enjoy the Performing Arts!

The Magnificent Lady Jeane Kilmeny has organized an embarrassment of riches for both performers looking to perform and audience looking to relax and be entertained.  If you have questions, please contact Lady Kilmeny via facebook by posting on the Atlantia Bards and Performers group at this link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/BardsandPerformers/  If you wish to post a comment on this blog post, your question will be forwarded to Kilmeny.

The reveling begins this Friday night!

  • Friday night bardic circle: starting 8:00pm in the Hunt Room
  • Shakespeare Performance of selected scenes from Twelfth Night by i Firenzi: 11:30-12:30
  • Commedia Performance of “The Mystery of the Doge’s Swan” by i Firenzi at 4:15pm
  • Dance Band Rehearsal:
11:15am (after morning court) to 1:00pm, in the James Madison room
Dance band performing for dance classes, possibly 2:30-4:00pm.
Ball dance music list with links to the sheet music and recordings of Mistress Azza playing the tunes is available at this Google doc:
  • Dance Classes:
11:00am – 4:00pm in the dance area of the main ballroom hosted by Baron Stefan of Cambion and Baroness Evelynn Merrymet
At 3:00 in the dance room the Atlantian Academie of Dance will be filming the following dances from the ball music:
  1. Gathering Peascods
  2. Gracca Amoroso
  3. New Yer
  4. Rawty
  5. Grene Gynger
It would be awesome to have any musicians that could spare some time so that they can have a wonderful recording to help teach these dances! See you all there!
[[The above dance list, and info on dances being taped, was provided by Lady Rhiannon of Raven’s Cove, the event Dance Mistress.]]
  • Royal Bard Competition: 
Round 1: 11:30am at the Amphitheater (aka: auditorium)
Round 2: 2:00pm, at the Amphitheater (aka: auditorium)
Round 3: during Feast
Guidelines for the Royal Bard competition are posted on the event web site under “Competitions” and also here:
“The competition will be comprised of three rounds.
The guidelines for the competition are as follows:The first and second round should focus on performance of pieces in different modes: if a story is performed in the first round, the bard should perform a song, instrumental piece, poem, etc. for the second round. One of the pieces performed in the first two rounds must be period, documentation should be provided. Extra consideration shall be given to bards who perform original compositions in addition to the period piece.Those bards who are selected for the final round shall perform for Their Majesties and the populace during feast. The only rule for this round is for the bard to perform to their strengths.Questions concerning the competition, appropriate pieces, etc., may be directed to Lady Harper An Cu royalbard [AT] atlantia.sca.org”
  • Dancing, Main Hall, after Feast (hopefully starting ~7:00pm)
Baron Stefan de Cambion, our Dance Master, will be leading dance after feast. Music will be provided by the Atlantian Dance Band (led by Lady Rhiannon of Raven’s Cove).
  • An evening bardic circle will be held on Saturday night in the Amphitheatre, hosted by Mistress Dervila, starting at 8:00pm
(We are not allowed to bring outside food or drink for hospitality into this room. However, there will be food and drink available for sale in that area until 11pm.)
Just in case, here is the event’s web site if you need more general event info: http://www.twelfthnight.atlantia.sca.org/
Happy Twelfth Night to All!
Sincerely yours,
Baroness Sophia the Orange
Guildmistress, Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

Tagged with:

Filed under: BardicCommedia dell' ArteDanceDance MusicNotablesShakespeare

Unevent will again host a business meeting for the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild!

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild – Summer 2016 – by Lady Machteld Cleine

Everyone who comes gets a KAZOO!  Because of course it can’t ALL be business…. 😉

4:30 – 5:30pm!

Come and discuss what you are doing, what you want to be doing, and what this kingdom size community of performers can do together. Event link: http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=ebd8a9fe

I have a thousand ideas for what we can do, you guys will have even more, and we’ll never have time for all of them, so help pick! Which activities do YOU want to do in the coming year to enjoy the Performing Arts in Atlantia? Where will you find resources to help?  Who wants to join you?  Who wants to help you? Who’s already doing the same thing?

That’s what the Performing Arts Guild is for!

Here’s the Agenda for our meeting:

Agenda for Performing Arts Guild Meeting:

  • Report on the Atlantia Royal Players – Year 2
  • Reports from any Performing Arts Champions – What are you doing? What do you need help with?
  • State of the Performing Arts in Atlantia Discussion – I’ll tell you what I see happening and you tell me what you see happening
  • What specific activities to you want to do?
  • What specific activities are you prepared to lead?
  • Resources for getting those activities to happen
  • Our new graphic logo by the magnificent Gabriel the Traveler!
    • (Here’s a sneak peek:  )

      Atlantia Performing Arts Guild logo









  • Agenda Continued…
  • What you can do with the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog
    — Publish articles you already have
    — Publish anything you want to
    — Find links for online resources
    — Get summaries of big Performing Arts activities throughout the kingdom
  • Job jar! Jobs I know would help out our Performing Arts Community if anyone wanted to pitch in.
    • Do you have a job to do where you need help? Ask for help here!

Upcoming special opportunities for Performing Arts:
— Twelfth Night (Lady Kilmeny is PA Coordinator)
— Winter University (A whole Theater track!)
— Ymir
— Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival

You can participate remotely in this meeting by logging in or calling in to a Zoom call! Use the info below to connect with us:

I Firenzi Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Performing Arts Guild Meeting at Unevent 2017
Time: Dec 2, 2017 4:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/571805354

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,571805354# or +16699006833,,571805354#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 571 805 354
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=QNbctAJ4U23iq9bsM5YEAs9WBxAGRxXl


This is a rare opportunity to meet fellow performers and get organized!

With excitement and gratitude,
Baroness Sophia the Orange
Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

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Filed under: AnnouncementsAtlantia Performing Arts GuildNetworkingRoyal Players of Atlantia

Last summer, our beloved Queen Thora approved and blessed a new experiment by the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild – the Royal Players program! This is a program where a team of experienced performers is gathered to represent a wide variety of performing arts and geographic locations throughout Atlantia. This team has the mission to create time and space for Performing Arts activities at events throughout the kingdom and model excellence in performing. The Royal Players team is presented and approved by Their Majesties of Atlantia and presented to the populace at Pennsic. They serve a one year term, then they have the option to continue or opt out. New members can be recommended and invited by the team.

The Royal Players for our first (experimental) year have been outstanding in their support of Performing Arts! They have proven that this is a program that works. Here are their accomplishments from the past year:

  • Hosted 26 bardic circles
  • Performed 9 times for background music
  • Hosted 8 competitions
  • Taught 35 classes
  • Performed 9 concerts
  • Performed music for dancing 9 times
  • Created 7 dance balls or haflas
  • Performed administrative duties to support Performing Arts programs at 14 events
  • Wrote 4 articles or white papers on Performing Arts

Altogether, the Royal Players team created 121 activities in support of Performing Arts this year. They attended 26 events over the past year, not including rehearsals and practices.

Additional accomplishments of this team includes:

  • Lady Harper an Cu was selected to be Kingdom Bard
  • Johann von Solothurn was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
  • Mistress Kisaya kicked off and expanded the Atlantia Middle Eastern Guild
  • Mistress Azza has created a system for the Atlantia Dance Band to get organized. She posts the play list with links to sheet music and recordings of her playing the pieces. It’s an excellent way to support musicians and dancers.
  • Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir was selected as the new Chancellor of the Atlantia Academy of Dance

Royal Players Year 1 at 12th Night 2017

The Royal Players for the year of Pennsic 45-46 includes these fine performers:

  • Lady Scholastica Joycors – storytelling
  • Lady Harper an Cu – instrumental and vocal music
  • Lady Meriorie Matheson – theater
  • Lord Hákon Erfikvaethiskald – solo and ensemble singing
  • Mistress Fevronia Murometsa – instrumental and vocal music
  • Lady Reynsa Keyferin – vocal and ensemble music
  • Mistress Azza al Shirazi – instrumental music, specialty in dance band music
  • Mistress Kisaiya Zingara – middle eastern music, dance, and culture
  • Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir – European dance
  • Master Johann von Solothurn – instrumental and vocal music
  • Mistress Dervila Ni Leanon and Baroness Sophia the Orange – administrative support

Here are some more pics of the Royal Players in action this past year:

Meriorie running a Shakespeare competition at 12th Night 2017

Royal Players Year 1 at War of the Wings 2016

Royal Players Year 1 with Spike at War of the Wings 2016

Mistress Azza rehearsing with the dance band at WoW 2016

Next year’s Royal Players team is currently in the hands of Their Majesties, Cuan and Signy, awaiting approval. The announcement for approval and names of the team members will be made at Atlantia Royal Court at Pennsic, starting at 6:00pm on War week Wednesday.

Great Vivants to the Royal Players of Atlantia!! Great job everyone!!!

With great appreciation and applause,

Baroness Sophia the Orange,

Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

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Filed under: Atlantia Performing Arts GuildRoyal Players of AtlantiaUncategorized

Performing Arts show up in many forms in the SCA, and at the Atlantia Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (KASF), the Atlantia Performing Arts community is demonstrating all those forms. Below is the schedule for Performing Arts opportunities at KASF followed by the link to the Google spreadsheet where you can sign up for performance times!


10:00 – 11:00 – Nothing.

11:00 – 1:30 – Open Sign Ups for Performances

1:30 – 2:00 – Competition Performances for Pentathlon and Baronial Champions

2:00 – 3:00 – Performers Resources and Materials Roundtable – in the sanctuary

3:00 – 4:30pm – i Firenzi Commedia del’ Arte mini-class and performance – in the sanctuary


Sign up sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1skHFIcWH_m9ehUHP0U2_BeqE9Yllb1i1kULl5BHr758/edit?usp=sharing


Due to lack of participation, we are no longer doing the pre-defined slots for demonstration performances. To get an idea of what we were going for, please see the video recording of last year’s KASF Performance Demo Hour here: https://youtu.be/8NYrd9kS7Ww  If you want to try to set up one of these Demo Hours at another event, please contact Sophia the Orange via orangesophie AT gmail.


Please go ahead and sign up on your own via the google spreadsheet if you’d like to perform during “Open Sign Ups”in the hours between 11:00am – 1:30pm. Please take as many slots as you want. To get an idea of what we’re going for, please see the video recording of last year’s KASF Performance Open Sign Ups Hour here  https://youtu.be/6ifUTJwEEFI

Performances for the Competitions in Persona Pentathlon, Persona Triathlon, or Baronial Championship will be held between 1:30 – 2:00pm. If they end early, the performance slots will be open to Open Sign Ups for those performers who are in the room at that time.

Contact Lady Sophia the Orange via orangesophie AT gmail DOT com if you have any questions about the Performing Arts Program at KASF.

Filed under: AnnouncementsEvent Reports

The Performing Arts community achieved new heights at this year’s Twelfth Night event in the Barony of Sacred Stone! Peruse the pictures below and watch out for these gentles in the coming months if you want to come join in the fun!
1) European Dance! Sacred Stone’s own Lady Elizabeth of Northumberland led the dancing with excellent teamwork and support from Lady Nicolosa d’ Isenfir, our Royal Player in Dance. These two ladies brought dance education and graceful leadership to the event such that over 50 people got to enjoy the noble art of dance at the evening ball.


2) The dancing was supported by skillful and joyful efforts of Mistress Azza and the pick-up dance band under her direction! Ten instrumentalists followed Azza’s fearless direction and organization to produce high energy, live dance music deep into the night. Mistress Azza also serves as a Royal Player and will be producing live pickup bands at more events in the future. Watch for her at Ymir!

3) Our Royal Player in Theater, Lady Meriorie Matheson, produced an enlightening competition for actors to present their favorite Shakespeare pieces! Nine actors presented a wide variety of scenes from The Bard. The winner of the competition was a pair of amazing actors, Lady Machteld Cleine and an SCA newcomer, Cody, portraying Benedict and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing. See the video clip of their scene here:  https://www.facebook.com/Lara.Coutinho.Orange/videos/1877274525623126/?l=6072083277919904046

It’s one of the most excellent pieces of theater I’ve seen at an SCA event in years! These still pics are of some of the other excellent monologues.




4) One of Sacred Stone’s multi-talented performers, Lord Akiyama Kazuhiko, took on the great challenge of producing the Twelfth Night Murder Mystery play… and it was a hoot! The cast was talented and engaging as they kept us laughing and guessing at the causes of sudden death all day.


5) The Royal Bard competition proceeded per tradition at Twelfth Night with a long list of talented participants. Royal Bards for 2016, Lord Gideon ap Stephan and Master Ruaidhri an Cu, presented three brilliant performers to Their Majesties for the final competition during feast that night. Despite the most extremely challenging conditions of noise and interruptions in the feast hall, all three competitors, Lord Hakon Erfikvaethiskald, Harper an Cu, and Lord Richard Wyn, proved worthy of the position. The young lady Harper An Cu finished the evening with the title of Royal Bard!

6) The Rotunda, the circular area between the staircase and hall of art, hosted a non-stop stream of performers bringing music to the people throughout the day. Performers in the Rotunda included: Lord Johann von Solothurn, Cornelia Caeciliana, Baroness Margaret Cochrane, Baroness Morgan Wolfsinger, and the amazingly talented instrumental group Lillies Among Thorns!

7) The lunchtime tavern also brought some musical thrills when “Painted Wheel” band took the stage and kept the lunch patrons entertained!

8) Laughter brought the event to new heights with i Firenzi’s performance of Italian, 16th Century, improvised comic Commedia dell’ Arte in the afternoon’s play “Arlecchino of La Mancha!” The premier of this play included many new commedia actors enjoying their first performance. We were blessed by the presence and service of a silent herald who interpreted the whole improvised show into sign language! A special moment was also brought to us when the final scene was interrupted (with permission of the director) by Their Excellencies of Windmasters’ Hill bringing an award to one of our actors in the name of TRMs. Lord Jaume de Monco was honored with an Award of the Coral Branch for his many artistic talents including acting, stage magic, bardic performance, and brewing. See the video of the whole play and Jaume’s honoring here:  https://youtu.be/MKedlRJ-VwQ















Twelfth Night again brought too much fun to cram into one day! Many thanks to the event’s Autocrat, Baroness Caitlin Macdonoughue for her tireless efforts at organizing and providing event space for the Performing Arts Community to enjoy their arts!

Tagged with:

Filed under: BardicCommedia dell' ArteDanceEvent ReportsNotablesRoyal Players of AtlantiaShakespeare

Performing Arts Schedule for Twelfth Night is here!

The holiday season brings a joyous occasion for our kingdom to gather in friendship and celebration of our many blessings! Many of us will enjoy the kingdom’s Twelfth Night event on January 14th, 2017 in Greensboro, NC: http://www.twelfthnight.atlantia.sca.org/

Performers and those who enjoy being an audience will revel in an embarrassment of riches at Twelfth Night! See the schedule of Performing Arts Activities below, and don’t hesitate to contact the Performing Arts Coordinator, Lady Sophia the Orange via orangesophie AT gmail DOT com for more information.

  • 10:00am
    • Dance class begins in the Grand Salon 2 (Performing Arts area upstairs middle section of Ballroom)
Our Twelfth Night Dance Leader is Lady Elizabeth of Northumberland with support from our Royal Player in DanceLady Nicolosa d’Isenfir. They will be able to teach you many dances, likely even if you have one to request that is not previously published on the evening’s dance list.
During morning court, attendees will witness the beginning act of the Twelfth Night Murder Mystery.
  • 12:00noon
    • Royal Bard competition Round 1 begins downstairs in the el Salon de Baile (Ballroom-the end of the hall with head table) run by Master Ruaidhri an Cu and Lord Gideon ap Stephan, Royal Bards of 2016.
Royal Bard’s announcement text:
“My Lords and Ladies, Most Worthy Peers, and dearest cousins, Once more the time has come to select those who will serve as Royal Bards for Their Majesties and Their successors. At the celebration of Twelfth Night a competition will be held and Lord Gideon, the Bard of the South, and I encourage all bards to come and compete. The competition will be comprised of three rounds.
In the first and second round competitors should perform pieces in different modes. For example, if a story is performed in the first round, the bard should perform a song, instrumental piece, poem, or some-such for the second round. One of the pieces performed in the first two rounds must be period, documentation should be provided. Please limit pieces to five minutes. Extra consideration shall be given to bards who perform original compositions in addition to the period piece.Those bards who are selected for the final round shall perform for Their Majesties and the populace during feast. Pieces should be limited to eight minutes. Should you have any questions, concerning the competition, appropriate pieces, etc., please feel free to contact me.
Your servant, if you would have me,
Olaugh Ruaidhri an Cu (Bard of the North) Email: ruaidhriancu@gmail.com Phone: (301)570-9434 Facebook: Ruaidhri an Cu”
Mini-Concerts run from end of morning court (~12:30pm) until the beginning of afternoon court (5:00pm).
  • 1:00pm
    • Act 2 of the Murder Mystery begins in the Grand Salon 2 (Performing Arts area upstairs middle section of Ballroom)
  • 2:00pm
    • Shakespearean Recitation Competition begins in la Rotanda. This competition is brought to you by our Royal Player in Theater, Lady Meriorie Matheson. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-I8MzWumXriZnp7mSwj9W0XNciqinEEWHKg2fR1ortA/edit?usp=sharing  SIGN UP AT THIS LINK! THIS IS WHERE YOU SIGN UP FOR PERFORMANCE SLOTS!
      • Description of Shakespeare Competition: Friends, Atlantians, countrymen, lend me your ears! As Twelfth night is a time of frolics and festivities, we must partake in one of the most beloved entertainments of the middle ages – theater. I challenge Atlantia to bring me your best performances of a monologue from any of Shakespeare’s contemporaries, or the Bard himself. A prize for the best performance! And as Tudor theater was memorized quickly for more performances, extra prizes for anyone who’s off-book! So everyone has a chance to participate, try to keep monologues around 5 minutes in length.
    • Dance Class #2 begins in the Grand Salon 2 (Performing Arts area upstairs middle section of Ballroom)
    • Dance Band Rehearsal begins downstairs in the el Salon de Baile (Ballroom-the end of the hall with head table) The Twelfth Night Dance Band is a pick up band brought together for one day under the fearless and skilled direction of our Royal Player in Music, Mistress Azza. Any instrumentalist is welcome to join in the band.
Here is the link for the google doc with the play list and links to downloadable music: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YeM3VdOfQ1qvh-aR8lzYk4KwrJk8j_w2-y6OJF8Fryo/edit#gid=0
  • 2:30pm
    • Act 3 of the Murder Mystery begins in the Tavern
  •  3:00pm
    • Royal Bard competition Round 2 begins in Grand Salon 2 (Performing Arts area upstairs middle section of Ballroom)
    • At 3:00pm in the Throne Section of the Ballroom, there will be a “Garb Runway Challenge” hosted by the Clothiers Guild. The organizer of the event has asked for musicians to play some background music while the entrants proceed down the runway. Musicians can contact Lord Johann von Solothurn for more information. If you don’t know how to catch Johann, please direct questions to Sophia the Orange.
  • 4:00pm
    • Commedia dell’arte performance by i Firenzi of “Arlecchino of La Mancha” in the Sala del trono (throne room). Set up your seats early before court to hear the true story of how Don Quixote really went mad back in La Mancha! If you don’t know what Commedia dell’ Arte is yet, start at the troupe’s web page: http://ifirenzi.com 
  • 5:00pm
    • Their Atlantian Majesties’ Evening Court begins in the Sala del Trono (throne room)
  • 8:00pm
    • The La Danza de Oro (the Dance of Gold) begins in the upstairs Grand Salon 3

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Filed under: AnnouncementsBardicCommedia dell' ArteDanceDance MusicEuropean DanceInstrumental MusicNotablesRoyal Players of AtlantiaShakespeareTheater

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild meeting notes from Unevent 3 DEC 16

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild meeting at Unevent: December 3, 2016

Video recording link: https://youtu.be/Ee6vHBwngw4

Agenda & Notes:

  • Google resources for sharing files like class handouts etc:
  • Royal Players program is going strong – 10 people across the kingdom and covering many skills in Performing Arts. Monthly check ins. Creating many opportunities for performing arts to happen at events.
    • Search Facebook with the term “Royal Players” to find their Facebook group and engage with them. Here’s the direct link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RoyalPlayersofAtlantia/ 
    • The Baroness of Marinus, Baroness Catalina, is interested in producing a run of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, so she will reach out to the Royal Player Lady Meriorie Matheson who is a Shakespeare scholar.
      • Anyone can reach out to the Royal Players via their facebook group to consult on any Performing Arts topics.
  • Administrative separation from MOAS office:
    • Lord Etienne, the Kingdom MOAS, decided in June that the Guilds all needed to be completely separate from the MOAS office.
    • We (Etienne and Sophia) agreed that the one required duty for supporting performing arts in Atlantia that would remain with the MOAS office, specifically the duty of the MOAS Deputy for Performing Arts, would be creating the quarterly report on the status of Performing Arts in Atlantia. For an example of this report, see the last report submitted by Sophia for the October 2016 quarterly report here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-ta6p8JkuHPOUpmRWdXODBZcWc
    • The remaining tasks for supporting the Performing Arts in Atlantia remains with the Performing Arts Guild.
  • Royal Bard competition is January 14th at the Kingdom Twelfth Night event: http://www.twelfthnight.atlantia.sca.org/activityPERF.html
    • The description offered by Royal Bard of the North, Master Ruaidhri an Cu, is this:
      • My Lords and Ladies, Most Worthy Peers, and dearest cousins, Once more the time has come to select those who will serve as Royal Bards for Their Majesties and Their successors. At the celebration of Twelfth Night a competition will be held and Lord Gideon, the Bard of the South, and I encourage all bards to come and compete. The competition will be comprised of three rounds.
      • In the first and second round competitors should perform pieces in different modes. For example, if a story is performed in the first round, the bard should perform a song, instrumental piece, poem, or some-such for the second round. One of the pieces performed in the first two rounds must be period, documentation should be provided. Please limit pieces to five minutes. Extra consideration shall be given to bards who perform original compositions in addition to the period piece.
      • Those bards who are selected for the final round shall perform for Their Majesties and the populace during feast. Pieces should be limited to eight minutes.
      • Should you have any questions, concerning the competition, appropriate pieces, etc., please feel free to contact me. Your servant, if you would have me, Olaugh Ruaidhri an Cu (Bard of the North) Email: raidhriancu@gmail.com  Facebook: Ruaidhri an Cu
    • The description of the Royal Bard duties from Kingdom Law is this text from Appendix E of Kingdom Law availabile here: http://atlantia.sca.org/offices/seneschal/clerk-of-law/book-of-law/laws-of-the-kingdom :
      • E.1. Duties and Responsibilities of Kingdom Royal Notables The Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected.
        • Suggested goals and duties are:
          • • Services in their discipline for the Crown
          • • Sponsoring at least two competitions in their field during their tenure
          • • Working with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of their discipline
          • • Teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable
      • E.2. Kingdom Royal Notables
        • E.2.1. The Royal Bard for excellence in the individual performance of any of the following fields: Singing, Instrumental music, Poetic rendition, Storytelling. The Royal Bard is encouraged to be proficient in at least two of these fields. One or two bards will serve at the same time, depending on the whim of the Crown.
    • Additional ideas about what the assembled members of the Guild wanted to see produced by the Kingdom Bard were generated:
      • Random acts of Entertainment
      • Entertainment during breaks in Crown Tourney
      • Supporting and promoting the concept of “Mug the Gate” where, at camping events, camps can issue an invitation to wandering performers to come into their camp to entertain by hanging a mug decorated with ribbons from their camp gate. See the song from Lord Drake Oranwood called “Mug Your Gate” here” https://drakethebard.com/bardic/mug-your-gate/
      • Leading groups of bards to crawl campfires at camping events to find mugged gates.
      • Passing on their knowledge by sharing lyrics and sheet music and links to recordings on You Tube
      • Producing sing alongs where people can sing along even when they’re new and don’t know the words.
      • Bringing back social and silly songs
      • Pre-court entertainment
  • Conference call for discussing Performing Arts Competitions
    • Interest was moderate for participating in a conference call just to discuss Competitions
  • Upcoming events with performing opportunities:

The next meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild will be in January after Twelfth Night and include an introduction to the new Royal Bard who will be determined at Twelfth Night.

Link to these notes in the Google Drive shared folder: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jpTCB25lDwouuEQQGMwC-5PJxWWSNeKYbDC-Je_L6Jk/edit?usp=sharing


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