Archive for February, 2016

Meeting Notes for the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild meeting on February 6 at Atlantia University


Teleri the Well Prepared attended via the Zoom online web service

In the room were:

  • Sophia the Orange
  • Tessa de Spina
  • Frixco Osnath
  • Ruaidhri an Cu
  • Harper an Cu
  • Con O’Quyrke
  • Rhiannon of Raven’s Cove
  • Watkyn of Kent
  • Johann von Solothurn
  • Alys d’ Avignon
  • Edward Bedevere
  • Jaume de Monco

Topics covered:

  1. Ongoing Projects – three of them!
    1. Project #1) Johann von Solothurn and Richard Wynn are compiling Best Practices for Bardic Circles
    2. Project #2) Scholastica Joycors and Reynsa Keferin are compiling Best Practices for Performing Arts Competitions
    3. Project #3) Ruaidhri an Cu and Gideon ap Stephan, the two current Kingdom Bards, are working on getting their Dual Kingdom Bard strategy together and they want to create a group for hard hitting problem solving. A sub-group of the regular everyday member of the Atlantia Performing Arts community who is ready to talk seriously about problem solving, including possibly using strong language and airing dirty laundry. This group should be tightly controlled with approved membership of those folks ready to make positive change. The most likely next step is to create a Google Group email list where the membership can be easily monitored and controlled but is still easy to request membership to.
    4. If you’re interested in pitching in on any of these ongoing projects, please contact the folks running them! I’m requesting that you make that contact via the Guild’s email list so we can all see what’s going on.  Facebook is moderately ok for reaching out, but if you want to build community and track the communication that happens more than a day later, the email list is the best way to do it.
  2. Guild Communications: Use the new Google Groups email list for the Guild! Click here to add yourself:!forum/atlantiaperformingartsguild
    1. The Atlantia Performing Arts Blog is open for anyone to write a blog post about any topic related to Performing Arts! Please write stuff!
      1. Blog posts can be great for getting your material online if you don’t have your own web page. It’s better than Facebook because it’s often hard to find material on Facebook a few days after you saw it. This blog is open to anyone supporting the Performing Arts in Atlantia!
    2. Online Library for sharing Performing Arts Resources – coming soon!
      1. Mistress Dervila has accepted the job of the Guild’s Librarian! But she could use some help!
      2. She’s going to build us an online library on the blog platform since it’s WordPress and actually build to manage lots of content. She is, however, going to need some significant time to get that done, so….
      3. We’re going to launch a Google Drive to share documents and Performing Arts Resources online – through this Google Group – WHILE Dervila works on the Blog Library. This Google Drive will be a temporary storage facility that will easily migrate to the WordPress Blog Library when it’s ready.
      4. If you’re interested in helping with managing files – especially if you like being a Librarian type of person – please let us know!
        1. Kazuhiko and Harper both expressed interest in pitching in as Librarians, but only after this academic semester is over. We support their decision to keep school the top priority! J
    3. University of Atlantia Liaison for Performing Arts
      1. Lord Jaume de Monco has stepped up to be our Liaison for Atlantia University! This means he’s going to be asking around “Who’s interested in teaching these classes?” and proposing a number of classes that should always be taught like “Bardic 101” or “Research for Performers” and the like.
      2. He’s also going to help the University folks deconflict tracks of classes and schedule classes if they need to be in some kind of order.
      3. Jaume can only pick up this job in the Fall since he works in the professional baseball season. Lady Machteld might step up to handle Summer University for us, but if you’re interested in this kind of work, please step up and help them out!

Upcoming Performing Arts Events

  1. YMIR has a bunch of great Performing Arts activities! February 27 in Windmasters’ Hill!
    1. Meeting of the Performing Arts Guild: 11:00am – 12:00noon
    2. Bardic Circle: 12:00 noon – 2:00pm
    3. Bardic Competition: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
    4. Commedia dell’ Arte family friendly performance: 3:45pm – 4:45pm
    5. Commedia dell’ Arte adults only performance: starting ~9:45pm (after feast)
    6. Bardic Circle for Night Owls: starting after commedia is done ~11:00pm
    7. Dancing starts in the big hall after feast ~ 9:30pm
  2. Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival – March 5 – Canton of Studdentorre
    1. There is an hour of open slots for performers to sign up for a 10 minute performance slot between 10:00am and 11:00am – sign up here:
    2. There is a Demo Hour of performances between 11:00am – 12:00 noon. Sign-ups are already full, but we want to make this bigger next year!
    3. The Oldcastle Poetry Smackdown runs from 12:00 noon to 1:30pm.
    4. I Firenzi will do a mini-class in Commedia dell’ Arte to put it in perspective and context for SCAdians starting at 1:30pm.
    5. I Firenzi presents a period scenario from 1611 “The Fake Tofano” as the greatest achievement in Commedia this kingdom has ever seen!! (Ok, I’m a little biased…)
  3. SCA 50 Year Celebration – June 17-26 in Indianapolis, IN – will be TONS of fun for performers of all kinds! I’m (Sophia) running the Performing Arts Program, so if you have anything that you’d like to do, perform, teach, or see at the SCA 50 Year event, please let me know!

Anyone else want to plug the Performing Arts activities at their event???

Next Meeting is at Ymir, February 27, from 11:00am – 12:00noon and we will use the online conference call service so you can participate via web cam or call in using a regular phone.

The next Atlantia Performing Arts Guild Meeting & Conference Call will be held at Atlantia University on February 6, 2016 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. This is during the lunch time of Atlantia University, and the members gathered at University will get lunch and find a quiet corner to eat lunch and gather around Sophie’s laptop to share the web cam and conference call using the online conference room.  Please join us using the log in information below.  You can also call in from a regular phone with the phone number below:


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap: 14086380968,638392316# or 16465588656,638392316#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 638 392 316

The Meeting will include discussion on the following topics:

Status Update of Ongoing Projects:

  1. Creation of Best Practices list for Bardic Circles by Johann and Richard
  2. Creation of Best Practices list for Competitions by Scholastica and Reynsa
  3. use of the Googlegroup is growing constantly!
  4. Reaching out to specific people to join the Googlegroup for networking – especially to help the Kingdom Bards!

Status of recruiting:

  1. The two new Kingdom Bards, Master Ruaidhri and Lord Gideon are still figuring out their strategy
  2. Lady Machteld is thinking about volunteering to be the liaison for Atlantia University for Summer, but we need someone for long term.
  3. Mistress Dervila has accepted the position for Librarian! She will work with our WordPress blog to find the right plugin to allow people to upload documents and other files like MP3s to share and keep organized. This will, however, take some many months, so Sophie is going to establish a simple Google Shared Drive as an interim solution.

Special Projects:

  • Royal Travel Fund song writing service for Ymir silent auction
  • Ladies of the Rose song, poetry, and other performance event for new, Golden Rose inspired event
  • We need heraldry for the Guild – and a graphic for it!
  • Performing Arts Demo Hour at Kingdom A&S Fest, March 5!

Next Guild Meeting is at Ymir, February 27, at 11:00am, immediately after morning court.  Zoom/call in option will be available!