Unevent will again host a business meeting for the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild!

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild – Summer 2016 – by Lady Machteld Cleine

Everyone who comes gets a KAZOO!  Because of course it can’t ALL be business…. 😉

4:30 – 5:30pm!

Come and discuss what you are doing, what you want to be doing, and what this kingdom size community of performers can do together. Event link: http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=ebd8a9fe

I have a thousand ideas for what we can do, you guys will have even more, and we’ll never have time for all of them, so help pick! Which activities do YOU want to do in the coming year to enjoy the Performing Arts in Atlantia? Where will you find resources to help?  Who wants to join you?  Who wants to help you? Who’s already doing the same thing?

That’s what the Performing Arts Guild is for!

Here’s the Agenda for our meeting:

Agenda for Performing Arts Guild Meeting:

  • Report on the Atlantia Royal Players – Year 2
  • Reports from any Performing Arts Champions – What are you doing? What do you need help with?
  • State of the Performing Arts in Atlantia Discussion – I’ll tell you what I see happening and you tell me what you see happening
  • What specific activities to you want to do?
  • What specific activities are you prepared to lead?
  • Resources for getting those activities to happen
  • Our new graphic logo by the magnificent Gabriel the Traveler!
    • (Here’s a sneak peek:  )

      Atlantia Performing Arts Guild logo









  • Agenda Continued…
  • What you can do with the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog
    — Publish articles you already have
    — Publish anything you want to
    — Find links for online resources
    — Get summaries of big Performing Arts activities throughout the kingdom
  • Job jar! Jobs I know would help out our Performing Arts Community if anyone wanted to pitch in.
    • Do you have a job to do where you need help? Ask for help here!

Upcoming special opportunities for Performing Arts:
— Twelfth Night (Lady Kilmeny is PA Coordinator)
— Winter University (A whole Theater track!)
— Ymir
— Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival

You can participate remotely in this meeting by logging in or calling in to a Zoom call! Use the info below to connect with us:

I Firenzi Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Performing Arts Guild Meeting at Unevent 2017
Time: Dec 2, 2017 4:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/571805354

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,571805354# or +16699006833,,571805354#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 571 805 354
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=QNbctAJ4U23iq9bsM5YEAs9WBxAGRxXl


This is a rare opportunity to meet fellow performers and get organized!

With excitement and gratitude,
Baroness Sophia the Orange
Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

This Saturday, December 3, 2016 at Unevent, anyone who wants to participate remotely in the Performing Arts Guild meeting at 4:30 can do so via the Zoom.us conference call now set up. You can log into a Zoom.us conference call to participate in this meeting remotely! You can log in from your computer and use your web-cam to share your face, or not if you choose, AND you can also call in with a regular phone to enjoy audio-only participation!
Please see the log in info below and let Lara Coutinho/Sophia the Orange know if you have any tech problems!

Agenda will include and is not limited to the following topics (Just let Sophia know if you want to add topics to the agenda!):
— Sharing files and resources via the Guild’s Google Drive
— Update on the Royal Players program
— Administrative separation of the Performing Arts Guild from the Kingdom MOAS Office
— Royal Bard competition at 12th Night – January 14, 2017
— Winter University Performing Arts tracks getting organized (deadline is December 19th!)
— Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (March 4) Performing Arts program – lots of performing opportunities!

— Other performing opportunities at events: Ymir, Gulf Wars, Gemutlichplatz

To add your own topics to this agenda, you can add a comment to this blog post or email orangesophie AT gmail.
Performing Arts Guild of Atlantia UNEVENT meeting 3 DEC 16 Zoom.us log in info below
Time: Dec 3, 2016 4:30 PM (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/253621368
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,253621368# or +16465588656,253621368#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 253 621 368

Unevent 2016 Schedule

Unevent 2016 Schedule

If you know of Performing Arts activities happening at events other than these in the next 2-3 months, type them into the comments, or email me at dmoas-performance AT atlantia.sca.org – Lady Sophia the Orange.

December 5 – Unevent, Barony of Caer Mear – Meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild at 4:30pm   (https://sites.google.com/site/atlantiaunevent2015/)

December 12 – Caer Mear Yule – From Lady Kilmeny: “We will be performing in a larger group and smaller groups. Focus is on period Christmas music drawn largely from a collection created and generously shared by Mistress Rosalind Jehanne a few years back. I’m just the facilitator, as my barony has tons of great singers and they asked to have chances to perform at our SCA family potluck. A piece may even be performed in baronial court that afternoon. I’m holding 2 classes at our baronial A&S before the event so we can practice as a group and identify smaller groupings for the scattered performances.”  (http://caermear.atlantia.sca.org/home.html)

January 8-10 — Kingdom Twelfth Night, Barony of Nottinghill Coill  – including the competition for the next Kingdom Bard, run by our current Kingdom Bard, Lord Johann von Solothurn.  Letters of intent need to be sent to Johann by December 18th via RoyalBard@atlantia.sca.org (http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=7b71b57c)

January 23 – Ice Castles, Black Diamond – Bardic Circle by Johann von Solothurn, Former Kingdom Bard  (http://blackdiamond.atlantia.sca.org/icecastle/)

January 23 – Torquemada’s Trans-Iberian Winter Tour, Lochmere – A little Bardic Madness shall be run by Lady Scholastica with at least one round of ‘pun’ishment which could result in vegetables being thrown and possibly a cat of nine tails.  Some random inquisitions may also happen…  (http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=de23671a)

February 6 – Atlantia University, Raven’s Cove – Lots of Performing Arts classes!!!!  (http://university.atlantia.sca.org/index.php)

February 26-28 – Tournament of YMIR, Windmasters’ Hill – Morning Meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild, Afternoon Bardic Circle, Afternoon Bardic Competition, Pre-Court Commedia dell’ Arte play by i Firenzi, Evening Dancing, After-Feast-Reprise-performance of the Adults-Only Commedia play from War of the Wings by i Firenzi, Late Night Bardic Circle   (http://ymir.windmastershill.org/)

Atlantia Performing Arts Guild is REBORN!

The Queens have spoken! Both of them! Our own beloved Queen Adelhait and Gloriana herself, Elizabeth I, Queen of England, agreed upon the day of the Natal Anniversary celebrated in the Canton of Buckston-on-Eno (the Buckston Birthday event, November 14th) that the Guild Master of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild, our own Master Corun MacAnndra, was needed in Elizabethan London to serve the Lord Chamberlain’s Men more than he was needed in his homeland of Atlantia. Her Majesty Elizabeth swore to return him when Master Shakespeare’s troupe finally learned proper pronunciation of the Queen’s English. Until that day, Her Majesty Adelheit is allowing me to serve as the guide (cat herder) at the head of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild.

As such, I am leading the first official meeting of the new and REBORN Atlantia Performing Arts Guild at UNEVENT!  We meet this Saturday at 4:30pm in the Auditorium. World domination by 5:30pm.

Unevent Schedule:  https://sites.google.com/site/atlantiaunevent2015/schedule

A draft Guild Restructure Plan has been written out and approved by numerous appropriate and reasonable stakeholders. This plan does not recreate a guild structure from SCA period, but rather creates a structure of positions and job descriptions that creates a structure of support that will actually help performers of all kinds perform more and perform better throughout our Kingdom. This guild will not include auditions, rankings, judgements, or other inhibitors.

This plan still has room for suggestions from the populace! Please bring your dreams, projects, and requests! Come to the meeting and put your ideas on the whiteboard! Are you someone who loves to perform – or dreams of maybe trying it out someday? Then you have a place in the Performing Arts Guild! Come to the meeting at Unevent and learn how we make dreams come true!  Disney ain’t got nuthin’ on us!

If you’d like to read a copy of the draft Guild Restructure Plan ahead of time, request a copy via email from me via dmoas-performance AT atlantia.sca.org.

Long Live the Queens!

— Lady Sophia the Orange, Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

Atlantia MOAS Deputy for Performing Arts