1) Nottinghill Coil’s Baronial Birthday event on February 20-22 in Bennettsville, SC: https://sites.google.com/site/ncbb34/arts-sciences

Performing arts activities there include: Friday night dance practice and informal bardic at the “Tavern”, dance and dessert revel after feast on Saturday night organized by Baron Geldamar le Farceur, a bardic circle on Saturday night in the breezeway of the Whispering Pines Yellow cabins using the “Pick, Pass, or Play” format organized by Chung Tai Ren.


2) Brunch with the Bards in the Barony of Ponte Alto on February 21 in Reston, VA: http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/events/bardbrunch.php

A multitude of performing opportunities and classes on performing happening all day! So many, I can’t even type up a summary.  I’ll just rely on mentioning that the teachers for these classes include our current Poeta Atlantia, our recently stepped down 2014 Kingdom Bard, and a few of the highest quality Laurels involved in poetry and bardic arts our fair kingdom has to offer! If you’re into poetry, singing, or general performing guidance, you can’t beat a day spent in Ponte Alto on Feb 21!


3) Tournament of Ymir in the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill on February 27 – March 1 in Reidsville, NC:  http://ymir.windmastershill.org/index.php

Ymir is a huge event, and the performing activities include:  afternoon bardic competition at 2:00pm in the merchants area, a commedia play performance by i Firenzi starting at 3:30pm in the big hall, European dancing starting 30 minutes after feast ends, and a bardic circle using the Pick, Pass, or Play format also starting 30 minutes after feast ends.


4) Kingdom A&S Festival on March 7 in Wallace, NC  : http://kasf.atlantia.sca.org/

Performers do have a place at the KASF!  Pre-determined activities include the Gyrth Oldcastle Poetry Smackdown and the performance of a period commedia dell’ arte scenario by i Firenzi.  Performances are also a part of the Persona Pentathlon and Triathlon.  Also, Lady Katarzyna Witkowska will be teaching a special class on Francois Villon, a 15th Century French poet.  For any questions about how to work in a performance you want to bring, contact the Autocrat, Mistress Mordeyrn Tremayne, with the email provided on the web page.


5) Of course, Gulf Wars, March 15-22 in Lumberton, MS, abounds with performing opportunities and classes, so if you’re going, just check out the web page for Performing Arts http://www.gulfwars.org/index.php/gw-activities/arts-sciences/performing-arts  and stop by the Sable and Gules Theater and the Green Dragon Inn while you’re there!


If you have questions or other events to suggest to performers, please leave a comment here on this blog and I’ll find you an answer and promote your event!

Sincerely yours,

Lady Sophia the Orange

Atlantia Kingdom Minister for Arts and Sciences Deputy for Performing Arts