Upcoming events with great Performing Arts activities!
If you know of Performing Arts activities happening at events other than these in the next 2-3 months, type them into the comments, or email me at dmoas-performance AT atlantia.sca.org – Lady Sophia the Orange.
December 5 – Unevent, Barony of Caer Mear – Meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild at 4:30pm (https://sites.google.com/site/atlantiaunevent2015/)
December 12 – Caer Mear Yule – From Lady Kilmeny: “We will be performing in a larger group and smaller groups. Focus is on period Christmas music drawn largely from a collection created and generously shared by Mistress Rosalind Jehanne a few years back. I’m just the facilitator, as my barony has tons of great singers and they asked to have chances to perform at our SCA family potluck. A piece may even be performed in baronial court that afternoon. I’m holding 2 classes at our baronial A&S before the event so we can practice as a group and identify smaller groupings for the scattered performances.” (http://caermear.atlantia.sca.org/home.html)
January 8-10 — Kingdom Twelfth Night, Barony of Nottinghill Coill – including the competition for the next Kingdom Bard, run by our current Kingdom Bard, Lord Johann von Solothurn. Letters of intent need to be sent to Johann by December 18th via RoyalBard@atlantia.sca.org (http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=7b71b57c)
January 23 – Ice Castles, Black Diamond – Bardic Circle by Johann von Solothurn, Former Kingdom Bard (http://blackdiamond.atlantia.sca.org/icecastle/)
January 23 – Torquemada’s Trans-Iberian Winter Tour, Lochmere – A little Bardic Madness shall be run by Lady Scholastica with at least one round of ‘pun’ishment which could result in vegetables being thrown and possibly a cat of nine tails. Some random inquisitions may also happen… (http://atlantia.sca.org/137-events/167-event-flyer?event_id=de23671a)
February 6 – Atlantia University, Raven’s Cove – Lots of Performing Arts classes!!!! (http://university.atlantia.sca.org/index.php)
February 26-28 – Tournament of YMIR, Windmasters’ Hill – Morning Meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild, Afternoon Bardic Circle, Afternoon Bardic Competition, Pre-Court Commedia dell’ Arte play by i Firenzi, Evening Dancing, After-Feast-Reprise-performance of the Adults-Only Commedia play from War of the Wings by i Firenzi, Late Night Bardic Circle (http://ymir.windmastershill.org/)