Performing Arts Program at War of the Wings – Part 1 of 4 – The Competitions
The upcoming smorgasbord of entertainment opportunities at War of the Wings includes Competitions, Classes, Shows, and opportunities to sign up, jump in, and perform yourself! You can claim two minutes to shine in the spotlight, your whole 15 if you want them, or just kick back and watch the amazing performers from all over Atlantia as they pop out of the woodwork at War of the Wings!
This first of four blog posts will explain in detail the Competitions at War of the Wings in the Performing Arts Program.
There are 3! The number of the counting shall be THREE!
First, on Friday afternoon from 3:00 – 5:00pm, there will be held an UNBELTED Bardic Tournament! This “UNBELTED” business means that if you have been elevated to a noble Order of Peerage, of any kind at all, you must join with a partner who is not also a Peer in order to compete in this competition. No documentation is required, but since the SCA is a 501c3 non-profit organization built on supporting pre-1600 historic research, material that is documentable to pre-1600 or of a similar style is heartily welcome and encouraged.
Voting for this tournament shall enjoy the following simple format: All performers who wish to compete will perform once and the audience will vote using beans in cups. The top half ranking performers will move on to the second round. Those performers will perform again and the audience will again vote on those performers using beans in cups. The top half ranking performers from that vote will move on to the next round. This process will be repeated until one performer is left. That performer is the winner who will be showered in glory, bragging rights, and a very spiffy prize. This competition, the “Unbelted Bardic Tournament” will bring a very special and valuable prize to the winner sponsored by Lady Sophia the Orange.
Baronial Champions have been challenged to show up to this Tournament by the Kingdom Bard himself, Lord Johann von Solothurn! This is NOT, however, the “official” competition for Baronial Bardic Champions… that comes on Saturday.
A few experienced performers will be attending and are ready and willing to provide constructive feedback to any performer who wishes to get feedback in order to improve their performance. Those performers interested in getting feedback need to just sign up to get feedback at the tournament.
Second, Her Excellency, Baroness Alianor, OL, has again designed the annual War of the Wings “Bardic Smackdown” in order to determine the winner of the Bardic War Point for War of the Wings. Immediately following the Torchlight Tournament on Friday night in the Marketplace there will be a “Bardic Smackdown Warpoint Challenge.” Their Excellencies of Hidden Mountain and Nottinghill Coill will pick their team of five people from their own baronies or from their allies to represent them in this Challenge. Their Excellencies of Highland Forde and Black Diamond will do the same. At the “Smackdown,” a performer from each team with come forth and perform. The populace will choose a winner. The next pair will perform until all five pairs have performed. The side with the most winners will get the War Point. For any questions regarding this competition, please contact Her Excellency Alianor directly.
Third, on Saturday evening, as the first part of the Bards and Brewers Concert at the White Phoenix Inn, those performers who have earned the title of Baronial Champion in the Bardic Arts or Performing Arts for their barony are invited to sign up to compete in a competition starting at 9:00pm in Vingulf Hall. Those Baronial Champions who wish to compete on Saturday evening need to sign up by noon on Saturday with the MC, Lady Sophia the Orange, for the sake of organization and creating the line up by emailing dmoas-performance AT with your name and which Barony you represent or leaving a message at Windmasters’ Hill camp on bright orange unmistakable paper (Ok, any paper will do, but please make it UNMISTAKABLE!). This competition, the “Inter-Baronial Bardic Competition” will bring a very special and valuable prize to the winner sponsored by Lady Sophia the Orange.
Per the request of the hosting barony, there are no official limitations or criteria on the material performers can perform in this competition. If performers are interested in performing material that is documentable to within SCA period or of a similar style, assistance can be had from the following sources both online and personal:
- Lady Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences Deputy for Performing Arts, dmoas-performance AT
- Lord Johann von Solothurn, Atlantia Kingdom Bard 2015, (guitar and vocal) RoyalBard AT
- Lady Scholastica Joycors, Atlantia Kingdom Bard 2014, (Professional Storyteller) totallystories AT
- Atlantia Performing Arts Blog Links Page:
- Facebook SCA Bardic group files section:
The VOTING FORMAT for this competition is very new, different, and deserves your attention ahead of time…
Judging will be by beans-in-cups method by the populace with a twist! All members of the populace will get one bean to vote for their favorite performer PLUS one extra bean for every hour they have done service to support the event! If you sit at Troll for 3 hours, you get 3 extra beans to vote for your favorite performer! If you serve on Security for 5 hours you get 5 extra beans! You will be on your honor to report how many hours you performed volunteer service to the event when the voting beans are handed out. So, do more service, and have a more powerful vote in who wins the Inter-Baronial Bardic Competition!
Immediately following the competition will be the regular concert. Performers wishing to sign up for a 10 minute performance slot can sign up here:
So, jump in and enjoy the thrill of competition as you step up into the spotlight or applaud the performers before you! Don’t hesitate to ask questions of the WoW staff or hosting baronage – everyone wants to enjoy the riches of the event and help you join in!
Stay tuned for the next three blog posts covering the rest of the extensive Performing Arts Program at War of the Wings!
Sincerely Yours,
Lady Sophia the Orange
War of the Wings, Deputy Village Steward for Performing Arts
Kingdom of Atlantia, Minister of Arts and Sciences, Deputy for Performing Arts
Capocomico, i Firenzi
Fan of Anything That Comes To Life On Stage!