Last summer, our beloved Queen Thora approved and blessed a new experiment by the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild – the Royal Players program! This is a program where a team of experienced performers is gathered to represent a wide variety of performing arts and geographic locations throughout Atlantia. This team has the mission to create time and space for Performing Arts activities at events throughout the kingdom and model excellence in performing. The Royal Players team is presented and approved by Their Majesties of Atlantia and presented to the populace at Pennsic. They serve a one year term, then they have the option to continue or opt out. New members can be recommended and invited by the team.

The Royal Players for our first (experimental) year have been outstanding in their support of Performing Arts! They have proven that this is a program that works. Here are their accomplishments from the past year:

  • Hosted 26 bardic circles
  • Performed 9 times for background music
  • Hosted 8 competitions
  • Taught 35 classes
  • Performed 9 concerts
  • Performed music for dancing 9 times
  • Created 7 dance balls or haflas
  • Performed administrative duties to support Performing Arts programs at 14 events
  • Wrote 4 articles or white papers on Performing Arts

Altogether, the Royal Players team created 121 activities in support of Performing Arts this year. They attended 26 events over the past year, not including rehearsals and practices.

Additional accomplishments of this team includes:

  • Lady Harper an Cu was selected to be Kingdom Bard
  • Johann von Solothurn was elevated to the Order of the Laurel
  • Mistress Kisaya kicked off and expanded the Atlantia Middle Eastern Guild
  • Mistress Azza has created a system for the Atlantia Dance Band to get organized. She posts the play list with links to sheet music and recordings of her playing the pieces. It’s an excellent way to support musicians and dancers.
  • Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir was selected as the new Chancellor of the Atlantia Academy of Dance

Royal Players Year 1 at 12th Night 2017

The Royal Players for the year of Pennsic 45-46 includes these fine performers:

  • Lady Scholastica Joycors – storytelling
  • Lady Harper an Cu – instrumental and vocal music
  • Lady Meriorie Matheson – theater
  • Lord Hákon Erfikvaethiskald – solo and ensemble singing
  • Mistress Fevronia Murometsa – instrumental and vocal music
  • Lady Reynsa Keyferin – vocal and ensemble music
  • Mistress Azza al Shirazi – instrumental music, specialty in dance band music
  • Mistress Kisaiya Zingara – middle eastern music, dance, and culture
  • Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir – European dance
  • Master Johann von Solothurn – instrumental and vocal music
  • Mistress Dervila Ni Leanon and Baroness Sophia the Orange – administrative support

Here are some more pics of the Royal Players in action this past year:

Meriorie running a Shakespeare competition at 12th Night 2017

Royal Players Year 1 at War of the Wings 2016

Royal Players Year 1 with Spike at War of the Wings 2016

Mistress Azza rehearsing with the dance band at WoW 2016

Next year’s Royal Players team is currently in the hands of Their Majesties, Cuan and Signy, awaiting approval. The announcement for approval and names of the team members will be made at Atlantia Royal Court at Pennsic, starting at 6:00pm on War week Wednesday.

Great Vivants to the Royal Players of Atlantia!! Great job everyone!!!

With great appreciation and applause,

Baroness Sophia the Orange,

Guildmistress of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild

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