Atlantia Performing Arts Guild meeting at Unevent: December 3, 2016

Video recording link:

Agenda & Notes:

  • Google resources for sharing files like class handouts etc:
  • Royal Players program is going strong – 10 people across the kingdom and covering many skills in Performing Arts. Monthly check ins. Creating many opportunities for performing arts to happen at events.
    • Search Facebook with the term “Royal Players” to find their Facebook group and engage with them. Here’s the direct link: 
    • The Baroness of Marinus, Baroness Catalina, is interested in producing a run of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, so she will reach out to the Royal Player Lady Meriorie Matheson who is a Shakespeare scholar.
      • Anyone can reach out to the Royal Players via their facebook group to consult on any Performing Arts topics.
  • Administrative separation from MOAS office:
    • Lord Etienne, the Kingdom MOAS, decided in June that the Guilds all needed to be completely separate from the MOAS office.
    • We (Etienne and Sophia) agreed that the one required duty for supporting performing arts in Atlantia that would remain with the MOAS office, specifically the duty of the MOAS Deputy for Performing Arts, would be creating the quarterly report on the status of Performing Arts in Atlantia. For an example of this report, see the last report submitted by Sophia for the October 2016 quarterly report here:
    • The remaining tasks for supporting the Performing Arts in Atlantia remains with the Performing Arts Guild.
  • Royal Bard competition is January 14th at the Kingdom Twelfth Night event:
    • The description offered by Royal Bard of the North, Master Ruaidhri an Cu, is this:
      • My Lords and Ladies, Most Worthy Peers, and dearest cousins, Once more the time has come to select those who will serve as Royal Bards for Their Majesties and Their successors. At the celebration of Twelfth Night a competition will be held and Lord Gideon, the Bard of the South, and I encourage all bards to come and compete. The competition will be comprised of three rounds.
      • In the first and second round competitors should perform pieces in different modes. For example, if a story is performed in the first round, the bard should perform a song, instrumental piece, poem, or some-such for the second round. One of the pieces performed in the first two rounds must be period, documentation should be provided. Please limit pieces to five minutes. Extra consideration shall be given to bards who perform original compositions in addition to the period piece.
      • Those bards who are selected for the final round shall perform for Their Majesties and the populace during feast. Pieces should be limited to eight minutes.
      • Should you have any questions, concerning the competition, appropriate pieces, etc., please feel free to contact me. Your servant, if you would have me, Olaugh Ruaidhri an Cu (Bard of the North) Email:  Facebook: Ruaidhri an Cu
    • The description of the Royal Bard duties from Kingdom Law is this text from Appendix E of Kingdom Law availabile here: :
      • E.1. Duties and Responsibilities of Kingdom Royal Notables The Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected.
        • Suggested goals and duties are:
          • • Services in their discipline for the Crown
          • • Sponsoring at least two competitions in their field during their tenure
          • • Working with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of their discipline
          • • Teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable
      • E.2. Kingdom Royal Notables
        • E.2.1. The Royal Bard for excellence in the individual performance of any of the following fields: Singing, Instrumental music, Poetic rendition, Storytelling. The Royal Bard is encouraged to be proficient in at least two of these fields. One or two bards will serve at the same time, depending on the whim of the Crown.
    • Additional ideas about what the assembled members of the Guild wanted to see produced by the Kingdom Bard were generated:
      • Random acts of Entertainment
      • Entertainment during breaks in Crown Tourney
      • Supporting and promoting the concept of “Mug the Gate” where, at camping events, camps can issue an invitation to wandering performers to come into their camp to entertain by hanging a mug decorated with ribbons from their camp gate. See the song from Lord Drake Oranwood called “Mug Your Gate” here”
      • Leading groups of bards to crawl campfires at camping events to find mugged gates.
      • Passing on their knowledge by sharing lyrics and sheet music and links to recordings on You Tube
      • Producing sing alongs where people can sing along even when they’re new and don’t know the words.
      • Bringing back social and silly songs
      • Pre-court entertainment
  • Conference call for discussing Performing Arts Competitions
    • Interest was moderate for participating in a conference call just to discuss Competitions
  • Upcoming events with performing opportunities:

The next meeting of the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild will be in January after Twelfth Night and include an introduction to the new Royal Bard who will be determined at Twelfth Night.

Link to these notes in the Google Drive shared folder:


Filed under: Atlantia Performing Arts GuildEvent ReportsNotablesRoyal Players of Atlantia

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