The Royal Players of Atlantia – a new program!
During the Royal Court at Pennsic, August 10, 2016, Their Majesties Dietrich and Thora kicked off a new program for supporting the Performing Arts in Atlantia beyond their reign:
The Royal Players of Atlantia
The Royal Players of Atlantia is a group of 10 talented performers (just 3 shown above), spread geographically throughout the kingdom, who have well developed skills in a wide variety of Performing Arts:
- Vocal and instrumental
- Solo and ensemble
- Music and theater
- Scripted and improvisation
- Secular and sacred
- Dance – both Middle Eastern and European
- And those performing arts that don’t fit into a category!
The mission of the Royal Players of Atlantia is to serve as resources for event staff to help make time and space for all Performing Arts to happen at events throughout the kingdom and then to model excellence in performing themselves.
Their term of service is one year, September to August, ensuring that among them at least one performer can travel to Gulf Wars and Pennsic to represent Atlantia in the Performing Arts communities there. For this first year, the Royal Players were appointed by Their Royal Majesties Dietrich and Thora, and future teams of Royal Players may be chosen by appointment or audition at the whim of the Crown. The Royal Bard(s) work as partners with the Royal Players and may serve as a Royal Player at the whim of the Crown. Administrative support to the Royal Players is provided by the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild.
When you have need of music, entertainment, and the environmental richness that performing arts brings, reach out to these people and they will help you create the magic!
- Lady Scholastica Joycors
- Specialty-Storytelling
- Location: Barony of Lochmere
- Lady Harper an Cu
- Specialty-Instrumental Solo Music
- Location: north end of kingdom
- Lady Meriorie Matheson
- Specialty-Scripted Theater
- Location: Barony of Caer Mear
- Lord Hákon Erfikvaethiskald
- Specialty: Solo and Ensemble singing
- Location: Barony of Black Diamond (during academic year)/Barony of Ponte Alto (home)
- Mistress Fevronia Murometsa
- Specialty: Solo & Ensemble instrumental music and singing
- Location: north end of kingdom
- Lady Reynsa Keyferin
- Speciality: Ensemble instrumental music
- Location: Barony of Nottinghil Coil
- Mistress Azza al Shirazi
- Specialty: Middle Eastern music
- Location: Barony of Sacred Stone
- Mistress Kisaiya Zingara
- Specialty: Middle Eastern Dance and culture
- Location: Barony of Sacred Stone
- Lady Nicolosa d’Isenfir
- Specialty: European Dance
- Location: Shire of Isenfir
- Lord Johann von Solothurn
- Specialty: Solo instrumental and singing
- Location: Barony of Black Diamond
Lady Sophia the Orange and Mistress Dervila Ni Leanon are serving as mentors and admin help for the team.
You can connect with The Royal Players of Atlantia in their public Facebook group here:
If you’re not a facebooker, please contact Lady Sophia the Orange via orangesophie AT gmail for email addresses to contact the Royal Players.