Atlantia Performing Arts Guild meeting at Ymir – February 27, 2016
The Atlantia Performing Arts Guild held a meeting at the Tournament of Ymir in the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill on February 27, 2016 from 11:00 – 12:00am in the Great Hall.
Attendees included:
- Lady Evelynne Merrymet
- Mistress Azza al Shirazi
- Aplin ap Daffyd
- Mistress Dervila Ni Leanon
- Mistress Rosalind Jehanne
- Eoin MacEadbhaird
- Lady Sophia the Orange
Topics covered included:
Ongoing Projects:
- Bardic Circles Best Practices – lead by Lord Johann von Solothurn and Lord Richard Wyn
- Performing Arts Competitions Best Practices – lead by Lady Scholastica Joycours and milady Reynsa Keyferin
- Troubleshooting group – lead by our two Kingdom Bards, Master Ruaidhri an Cu and Lord Gideon ap Stephen
- Online Resources for Sharing: This one went into some detail….
- We have the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog here:
- This includes a page for handy links to bardic and other performing resources recently re-organized by our friend Catarina di Paulo / Shannon Hamilton.
- This includes pages for: Kingdom Noteables, Performer’s Directory, Performing Groups, a separate page for the Guild, and more tidbits.
- Mistress Dervila is working on creating a library on this blog. It’s built with WordPress, so it’s really a Content Management System – one that Dervila has some experience with.
- While Dervila is working on that library, we will use a new Google Drive shared with the Google Group email list for the Guild. That means that if you’re email address is on the Google Group email list for the Guild, you have access to that shared drive on Google Drive.
- This allows us to share documents and resources immediately and,
- this allows us to see what files people want to share and what categories they settle out into before Dervila launches the new library. The categories we actually end up using over the next few months will be the ones we start with in the new library.
- The link for the Google Drive is here:
- The link for the Google Group email list is here (if you’re not already on it):!forum/atlantiaperformingartsguild
- We have the Atlantia Performing Arts Blog here:
- Guild jobs
- The position of University of Atlantia Liaison for the Guild is being shared this year between Lady Machteld Cleine and Lord Jaume de Monco. Machteld will handle organizing classes for Performing Arts for the Summer University session and Jaume will handle organizing classes for the Fall University session.
- When you’re ready to submit your classes for Summer University, please send email to Machteld first. She’s going to ensure that certain basic performing skills classes get taught for sure and that other classes for certain audiences don’t conflict (like having two commedia classes in the same hour slot). Jaume will follow in the Fall.
- Mistress Dervila is holding the position of our Librarian, but she and I can both use some help from folks who are savvy to Google and WordPress resources.
- Lord Kazuhiko and Harper an Cu both volunteered to pitch in on that after this Spring semester is over.
- More help is welcome!
- I’m still looking for a Point of Contact for every single SCA group in Atlantia. Some groups have a “Bardic Champion” or “Performing Arts Champion” but most don’t. If you’re willing to step up as a Point of Contact for your local SCA group as the “person who knows something about Performing Arts and maybe how to get ahold of that crazy Guild”, please let me know!
- The position of University of Atlantia Liaison for the Guild is being shared this year between Lady Machteld Cleine and Lord Jaume de Monco. Machteld will handle organizing classes for Performing Arts for the Summer University session and Jaume will handle organizing classes for the Fall University session.
New Projects
- Lady Teleri the Well Prepared has started working with our very music-friendly Princess of Atlantia as a “Royal Entertainment Coordinator.” (That’s a draft job title.) I did this job for Amos and Isabella during their reign, and it was rather successful at creating more performing arts activities at Royal Progress events. Since there is a great deal of administrative legwork involved in creating Performing Arts activities that work seamlessly and smoothly with Royal Progress events, having a person on the Royal Staff that handles all that email and planning ahead is extremely helpful.
- We all predict that our two Kingdom Bards and Teleri will all work as a team when the opportunity presents itself to make more and better Performing Arts opportunities happen at Royal Progress events.
- Dance Band Musicians
- Lady Evelynne Merrymet expressed a deep desire to have live musicians at dance practices. Mistress Azza concurred with this given her deep enjoyment of playing live music for dancers.
- I strongly recommend using the Pennsic Pile sheet music if you’re a musician playing for dancing because the copyright in versions since Pennsic 42 have been cleared to allow for use at SCA events AND the sheet music is arranged for the correct repeat structure for all the dances as they’re danced at Pennsic.
- Other sheet music resources exist, but respect of copyright is important, so please check the copyright before you run sheet music through a copier.
- Get the Pennsic Pile in PDF download here:
- Lady Evelynne Merrymet expressed a deep desire to have live musicians at dance practices. Mistress Azza concurred with this given her deep enjoyment of playing live music for dancers.
- Pictures of Performers for the Roster
- Mistress Dervila has a method to create a page on the Performing Arts blog that can serve as a directory that INCLUDES PICTURES! This has been a technological struggle for me. I’ve set up text only rosters for folks to submit their data on what they perform and who they are, but I have not been able to easily create a roster with pictures. Now that Dervila has a way to do it, we can now fill our roster with pictures!
- Please be prepared to send in pictures once we find the best place to put them before Dervila’s ready with the new directory.
- Performing Arts Groups
- I need help fleshing out the content pages for Performing Arts Groups on the blog. I need help gathering info on the following groups:
- Ladies Fair singing group
- Ponte Alto Singers
- If anyone’s willing to write up a blog post on any one of these groups, or any MORE groups you’re aware of – please let me know!!
- I need help fleshing out the content pages for Performing Arts Groups on the blog. I need help gathering info on the following groups:
- Guild Heraldry and Online Graphics help needed
- The Kingdom MOAS wants us to nail down some heraldry for the Guild. We also need some better graphics for the blog.
- Eoin Mac Edhbaird volunteered to help in this, and if there are other herald & graphics folks interested in helping, please pipe up! We may need a committee for this.
- Lady Teleri the Well Prepared has started working with our very music-friendly Princess of Atlantia as a “Royal Entertainment Coordinator.” (That’s a draft job title.) I did this job for Amos and Isabella during their reign, and it was rather successful at creating more performing arts activities at Royal Progress events. Since there is a great deal of administrative legwork involved in creating Performing Arts activities that work seamlessly and smoothly with Royal Progress events, having a person on the Royal Staff that handles all that email and planning ahead is extremely helpful.
The next meeting of the Guild is TBD. It will be after Gulf Wars for sure!!
Thank you all for pitching in to the Atlantia Performing Arts Guild!
–Lady Sophia the Orange, Guildmistress and Kingdom MOAS Deputy for Performing Arts